IWB CC holster w/ clip--Right or Left??


New member
Oh.... Really dumb newbie question, but, I am looking to CC IWB, and am getting ready to order a holster. I will be carrying SOB, not in front/side. It seems that if I am drawing right handed, from SOB, I actually need a left handed holster. Is this correct?


New member
IWB, clip/hanger on the same side of the holster as your strong (drawing) hand.

OWB, clip/hanger on the side opposite your strong (drawing) hand.

The key is to see if you are turning the muzzle of the gun toward your body when drawing. (Hint: Don't do that.)



IWB, clip/hanger on the same side of the holster as your strong (drawing) hand.

OWB, clip/hanger on the side opposite your strong (drawing) hand.

hey pops, thats a good way to explain it.
but remember, everything reverses after you rotate past 180 degrees.

its backwards when you carry on the back.
if we combine your guidlines and mine we should have all possibilities covered!


New member
but remember, everything reverses after you rotate past 180 degrees.

OK, let's look at a proper SOB draw. Sweep your strong hand back along your waist, as if reaching for a hip holstered gun. Your thumb is against your body.

Keep moving your hand back and stick your hand behind your back, thumb still against your waist. Note that your thumb naturally wants to drop toward the ground, as your fingers curl around the butt of the gun. The gun is in its holster butt up. Now, as you draw the gun, the natural movement of your hand and arm sweeps the muzzle toward the ground and forward, as the gun moves past where the hip holster would normally be, forward and up to target presentation. This, to me, says that a strong-side holster, moved to the small of the back and rotated on its clip to hold the gun butt upward works properly.

I had to figure this out for myself, because nobody seems to care to train those of us in our right minds (left handed.) :D



New member
i really cant see anyway of not "covering" myself if drawing from sob with a left hand holster.
it takes a lot of concentration to keep the muzzle pointed down while bring it around the body.


New member
i really cant see anyway of not "covering" myself if drawing from sob with a left hand holster.

That is the point I was trying to make in my post. Just remember that the holster/pistol need to rotate as they move around the waist. Consider a hip holster at 3:00. It holds the pistol with the muzzle pointed down (I just know somebody is going to dispute that.) If you move the holster around to the front and over to the weak side for cross draw (10:00,) the holster should be rotated to allow your hand to pull the gun out with a natural motion. This puts the pistol closer to horizontal, butt down. Now, if, instead, you move the holster toward your back, the holster should rotate to allow you to draw the pistol with a natural motion. This puts the pistol closer to horizontal, with the butt now up.

If you are left handed, stand on your head when reading this post. :D :p
