Iver Johnson Trailblazer


New member
I got a free TrailBlazer and I'm learning why it was free. The finish is why I thought it was free, nope. It won't fire. About 4 times in 4 minutes of trying it went off. Any suggestions? This gun is very dirty, but I think it would fire still. If I can get it work I play to refinish the stock and get everything reblued.


New member
After some fiddling, with the stock off, I got it to work. Today I dissembled it, cleaned it, worked still, and then I put the stock back on. Won't work. Took it off again, it still clicks. Thinking I had the bolt holding the stock on to right, I loosened the bolt, firing pin still won't click. I took the bolt completely out and held the stock on with my hands, still won't click. It seems to work fine wothout the stock. Any ideas?


New member
Trigger guard was installed wrong by a previous owner
New problem, I never noticed till now. Gun will only work upside down. Gravity is affecting something and I don't know what.


New member
If I rack the bolt while the gun is upside down, the hold it normal, the gun works. I'm clueless why the gun has to be upside to rack the bolt for the trigger to function.


New member
I have shot the gun. Racked the bolt upside down and it fired when held right side up. It does not cycle though.


New member
I tried CCI's, still have to cock it upside down, I got it to cycle once. It also double fired once too. I'm calling it a lost cause. I'm going to eventually buy a Savage for parts.


New member
Not real familiar with that gun, but it sounds like a spring is either missing, disengaged or improperly installed. Have you checked that?

Numrich has a schematic, albeit a crappy one.