I've got an idea.

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New member
What if we totally started panicking and raping each other over the price of firearms because somebody we dont like goit elected. wouldn't that be great? we could all pay more for the things we wanted for no reason at all.

Since we're each individually paying more for what we want, nobody actually increases their net profit, it's just uses up a greater percentage of our disposable income.

Wouldn't that be great?

I'm going to help the cause by posting a revolver worth $800.00 last month for $1500.00 because you know, it'll be rarer some day, not tomorrow but some day.


New member
Yeah, you're right. There's absolutely nothing in Obama's record (nor that of the party controlling Congress) that indicates a propensity toward increased firearms and ammunition regulation or taxation.



New member
What if ??

you are a bit late. the frenzy has already begun............record sales have been recorded at guns shop all over the country in the last few weeks.


New member
No, I think we're better off buying things while we still can. And, for the record, I haven't heard of anyone buying up revolvers or revolver ammo. The explosion in buying has been in military-style rifles, high capacity magazines (for both pistols and rifles), and popular military ammunition (.223, .308, 7.6x39, etc.)

But don't let the facts get in your way.


New member
Yeah, you're right. There's absolutely nothing in Obama's record (nor that of the party controlling Congress) that indicates a propensity toward increased firearms and ammunition regulation or taxation.

Where have you been dude? Ever hear of the assault weapons ban? I suppose that wasn't supported by the party controlling Congress? Look into Obama's record: "absolutely nothing" ?? you are dead wrong!


New member
Spamanon, I was being sarcastic. Our president-elect has a very well-documented history of supporting numerous anti-firearms and anti-firearms owners pieces of legislation.


New member
Spamanon, I was being sarcastic. Our president-elect has a very well-documented history of supporting numerous anti-firearms and anti-firearms owners pieces of legislation.

My mistake, I guess raw text doesn't convey nuance very well. Even with your puker, I thought you were puking at those who say different than what you say! Sorry.:eek:
I have dealt with too many Liberals in my life to not believe that someone could say what you said in the sincerest of terms.


New member
I'll do fine. I have everything I want and the revolver remark was sarcasm as well.

I just think we might be screwing ourselves and feeding the monster.


New member
It's simple, buy if you want. If you don't want to buy, don't.

I'll buy mine while you sit on your hands. Just don't complain when those nice people pull the rug out from under you.


New member


New member
I'm not sure what rug you're talking about. i've stated I have what I want. I am curious to know why people have decided to create a false demand.

This is the equivalent to a run on the bank because there is fear the bank might fail.

Self fulfilling prophesy.


New member
Banks are failing.

I bought magazines, ammo and a few weapons months ago because I figured this was going to happen. None of us know for sure if there will be any type of ban or strict regulations. I remember 1994.

If you think prices are high now, just wait until some restrictions are passed. If nothing happens, the prices will adjust themselves. Supply and demand. Panic may be feeding the demand but the demand is there. It's the uneasiness about the unknown.


New member
Hey....you people are extremist....

Just know this....Pres. O is a man that can be trusted. Just like I trust my pitbull to oversee the chicken house.


New member
I guess some of you are missing the point.

If you feel you had to have one why did you wait until after the election and why run out and join the people who are driving the price up.

I consider this the same as those jackasses who were charging $6.00 for gasoline during an emergency.

But, yeah, I'm probably the one who doesn't get it since I've had "what I need" for quite a while now and didn't "need" to visit a gun store in the last 3 months since the writing was on the wall as to how the election was going to turn out.

Some people like to go shopping for "bread and milk" after the blizzard is going full force. I dont know why.


New member
I see your point Gonzo but I`ll also say that IMO, all us 2nd amendment believers are eventually in for a fight to keep what we have. Our Pres. Elect. will not only have some of the great anti-2nd amend. ideas of the Clinton admin. but his own as well. Hope some of the gun and ammo makers take some of their profits and put them to good use fighting the anti`s. Thats of course will be after Pres. elect. takes his share of the profits and re-distributes it to the food stamp programs and such:barf:.


New member
The storm is here....

This whole election reminds of hurricane season down here:

A week before the storm some people go out and buy supplies.
A few days before the storm most people go out and buy supplies.
A day before the storm everyone goes out to buy supplies.

After the storm you can get supplies,if you can find them,but your gonna pay more.

A lot of people saw the storm coming and prepared for it.
If you didn't then your just going to have to pay more,it's that simple.


New member
Wouldn't be so bad if people weren't buying up AR receivers in bulk with the idea of selling them at a huge profit as "pre-ban".

For all we really know, it might not matter if they are pre-ban this time.

I held out waiting for a friend to put together a group buy on AR receivers thinking I would get a deal. It fell through and prices skyrocketed at the same time. I'm crossing my fingers that prices will come back down before any kind of legislation. I might win, I might lose, I won't lose sleep over it either way. I was only going to get a receiver and some mags just in case I decided to build one someday. I never really had my heart set on having one and there are a lot of other guns higher on my wishlist.
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