Ive got a question about 45/70 hollow points......

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
I have some Winchester 45-70 300Gr jacketed hollow points.

I was thinking that if I filled the hollow point with epoxy it would give me more penetration.

Is this something that is safe to do?

My gun is a Marlin 1895GBL lever action.
Thanks for your help.......................


New member
Nothing particularly unsafe about it, tho' the epoxy may act as a wedge and expand the bullet even faster. :mad:

Lost Sheep

New member
Thanks for asking our advice. Sorry; terminal ballistics is an inexact science.

What will you be shooting the test bullets into and what will you be shooting when you shoot for effect?

Not all proxy media behave as flesh does. Skin thickness, muscle toughness (at point of impact, and beyond/beneath), spin rate (which does not tend to decrease over distance very much) and velocity at impact (which does tend to decrease over distance) are very much contributing factors.

Terminal ballistics is an inexact science at best.

Lost Sheep

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
You asked,,,,"What will you be shooting the test bullets into and what will you be shooting when you shoot for effect?"

,,,,Live Hogs! We have way to many at out hunting club......

Capt Rick Hiott

New member
Thanks,,,,I read it, and have had the same thing happen to me more than once. I just wanted more...........(You know how it is)

The big question was "Is it safe to do"?
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