I've done my civic duty. How bout' you?


New member
Well, I went out in the cold rain and did my civic duty as an American and voted. We all need to do this. Kind of like exercising our rights to keep and bear arms, we all need to vote.

I was a good democrat, I voted and voted often.:D Just kidding.

Anyway like others have said, go out and vote.


Dave R

New member
Oh, yeah. Wouldn't miss it for the world. Voted some R's some Ds and some Ls. I guess that makes me an independent.

John Forsyth

New member
The wife and I voted at lunch time. We took our 4 year old daughter with us so she could see what was going on. Took her into the voting both and told her why we were voting.

Like cslinger said, it is pouring down rain here. The poll workers said there had been heavy turnout earlier, but it had slowed down. We have a hotly contested Governorship and Senate race and a lottery referendum on the ballet as well. So I exspect there to be a heavier turnout than usual, unless the rain keeps them in.

We'll see tonight.


New member
I voted at 0'dark thirty on the way to work. Had my choice of any one of the five high performance voting booths! :D


New member
My wife and I voted about two weeks ago when they opened the polls for early voting.

I'm looking forward to seeing Perry and Cornyn sweep the polls.



New member

I cant wait to watch the late news here in Seattle.....

478,532 Dems.....

1 Republican.....

"Who is this one M***** F****** Republican and why wont he just take his gun totin A** away????"


New member
Voted on my way to work this morning. Republican for Governor, Libertarian for Senator (no hope of him winning but I will NOT vote for that Dem) and did not vote in those races where the only one running was a gun-banning democrat.

Let's hope the pro-gun turn-out is everything we need this time.


Staff Alumnus
I noted this morning my polling place was EMPTY. I was rather suprised given the close race in Colorado, then again maybe my nieghborhood did mostly absentee ballots.

Got my sticker. Now lets wait and see. :rolleyes:


New member
Voted first thing this morning before going to work...so ya I was late to work..even fit in a workout on my home gym before the polls opened.:D