It's time to tell the truth.

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Blackwater OPS

New member
I have been a member of this forum for more than a year and a half now, and it has really opened my eyes. I have learned things about firearm ownership that I never expected, and I have come to see gun owners in a new light. I no longer believe guns should only be possessed by people like me who are professionals working for the government, but all US citizens.

So here is my confession; I am an ATF Agent. Yes, it's true. I joined this forum to spy on its members and entrap them into committing crimes. It was my hope that by arresting as many of you gun nuts as possible, I would be able to impress my bosses and join the Operation Achilles Special Assault Team targeting career machine gun dealers.

Instead, though I netted a few gun owners early on who were ignorant of the law and my agency's tactics, I found I did not want to harass innocent gun owners. Instead, I found that guns were really cool, and so were guns owners. I came to hate the agency I worked for, and began to work less and less on catching gun nuts with wild plans involving shoe laces and rubber bands. Finally, on March 31st, I gave my resignation. I plan to spend the next several years traveling for the NRA and lecturing on the abuses of the ATF.

Thank you all for opening my eyes.

Blackwater OPS

New member
so you and Gene are both Iggy? damn this is bad.

No way, I laugh at the silly efforts of those incompetent desk shooting CA DOJ agents. Have they ever even gotten a conviction? I am impressed by their networking skills though, I have always wanted to get advice on how to do my job from the brady campaign, but I don't think I was high up enough.


New member
Interesting. So, were you also Army CID or was that a cover? Why the need to "confess", on an internet gunboard?

I wish I owned stock in Reynolds aluminum, the tin foil hat crowd is going to go blotto reading this thread. Good luck with your new job. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Got me.

I had forgotten it was April Fools Day

Here is the response that I crafted:

Funny, I met one of your Jack-booted, kitten-stomping colleagues when I worked in a gun-shop in Memphis. He turned out to be a really nice guy. He only had some minor criticisms about our paperwork. As he was leaving, he said "Were not worried about guys like you."

I do have a question though. I've been buying guns since I was 18 and I have sold and traded a few to finance other purchases. I've even rented a table at a gun-show and sold there. I never worried about breaking any laws because private sales have been legal in all the states that I've lived in and I've never sold more than 3 guns in a year to individuals. (trading at a shop doesn't count)

I see the same guys at every gun-show I attend and they have "Private Collector" signs on their tables. This is a blatant advertisement that they don't require paperwork yet they are clearly in the business of selling guns without a FFL. I know they aren't just showing off their collections since they always have 10-20 guns on the table and all of them have price tags. If I'm carrying a gun, they always ask "whatcha' got there, what do you want for it?" and the guns they have are nothing special from a collector's standpoint.

Does the BATFE even care about these guys? Are they undercover buying and building a case against any of them? An old guy I know who used to sell guns at a flea-market said that the ATF came down on him like Ruby Ridge and confiscated all his guns but he's not locked up. What gives? How can the ATF confiscate private property without bringing charges against him or is he FOS?
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Mal H

"I had forgotten it was April Fools Day"

After reading the first and second paragraphs, my response was going to be: "And a happy April Fool's Day to you, too!"


puuuutttttt!!!!!!! got me good at first. I was about half awake with the first cup of java and only read your post, and not the others when I first replied.. I have been smiling on and off all day when I would think of it, Good one.
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