It's so easy


New member
I had to go to Home Depot this morning to get some better window locks. I stopped at a MCDonald's on the way back. "Hungry" and "lazy" are often words used to describe me on the weekend

As I was in line, an old man, late 80s or so was behind me. Guy's going on his own power pretty good. When I left the time I noticed his Sea Bees cap and the poppy on it

I ate my breakfast, and went up to him as he sat there eating his. I said:

"Sir I don't mean to interrupt your breakfast but thank you for your service", with my right hand extended

"Huh? I don't hear so well" he said

"Thank you for your service"

That was when he smiled and took my right hand in both of his and said "you know, most young people don't give a damn about that"

"Well we are still out there sir. Have a great day"

He thanked me and I left him to his breakfast

That makes up for a lot of feeling crummy lately, seeing the look in his eye when I told him I cared. I'm glad I bumped into him. It's so easy to give these old veterans a boost and they really appreciate it