It's official

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New member
It's official we found out this morning that we are having our 3rd son.


Now before closing the thread do to non gun related issues.I wanted to take a poll of which .22 to buy my oldest.
I started a traditon,i had my dads Rem 1939 taget master bolt action,to which went to my oldest son.When we had number 2 son we bought son number 1 a new marlin semi .22 and son number 2 got bolt action.Now my oldest son wants a new .22
Son #1 age 10 gets ------?
Son #2 age 16 months gets marlin semi .22
Son #3 will get bolt action .22
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New member
10 years old? Does he want to graduate to a bigger caliber? I was shootin my daddy's AK at age 9 :p

Anyway, if he want a semi-auto, you can't get much better than the Ruger 10/22. As far as bolt actions go, CZ makes some great stuff for the money!


New member
He has a 410 bore that he shoots well but i want to keep him sharp with a .22 and when he wants to go shootin it's a whole lot cheaper.I did promise that when he was 12 and a bit more mature he could start shooting my handguns.


New member
Not only that, but..

I'm in medicine and see quite a few ultrasounds and am fairly sure that baby is already packing!!!

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