It's not Three Thugs - it's Gun Violence

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I don't know if this is the right forum but right now I'm so spitting mad I can hardly see straight.
By now you've probably heard of the 22 year old collegiate baseball player from Australia who was murdered by three teenage thugs who admit to doing it because they were bored.

Kindly Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News described it as 'Another incidence of Gun Violence". Not "Another incidence of criminally insane behavior by out of control teenage boys" .... "Gun Violence"



New member
Of course, NBC got it wrong. NBC also edited 911 audiotapes to make it appear that George Zimmerman was acting under racial motivations. NBC has an anti-gun agenda and will never fail to twist the facts of a story to advance that agenda. It's what they do.

Just like the rest of the liberal lame-stream media, NBC is 'tone-deaf'. Getting mad at NBC is like getting mad at a brick wall. It's a waste of time.


New member
I followed the link on Drudge to the Australia Herald story. This was also initially the same nauseating spin they gave it there as well, though the tone seemed to have changed a bit later in the day. At least in Australia they actually showed pictures of the suspects.


New member
Kindly Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News described it as 'Another incidence of Gun Violence".


If Mr. Holt stated "Another incidence of violence with a gun", would that be a correct statement?
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New member

The issue isn't semantic correctness, though neither is correct. It is the selection of particular phrasing to advance an agenda. There is no question that is what's happening.


New member
I think they're all just lazy and rely on catch-phrases to convey the story. Continuing to beat the gun violence drum is just a bonus.

I'd like to be able to believe that but nothing happens by accident. They're working right out of the play book.

They ignore and play down Chicago - when they have to cover it it's "Gun Violence"


New member
While the initial story was one of boredom, later reports indicate the boys were members of a new branch of the Crips that had expanded out of Lawton, OK. These reports included photos of the boys in Crip attire, flashing gang signs, and hanging out with felons.

The man who turned them in, did so because he said they were trying to recruit his son into the Crips, and threatening to kill him if he refused.

So they may have been bored, but I suspect they were trying to build street cred with the gang.
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New member
And, of course, the mother of the Luna creature and the father of the Edwards creature both claim that their sons are innocent, and good boys to boot.

The driver, at least, has already confessed to his role.


New member
So they may have been bored, but I suspect they were trying to build street cred with the gang.

That makes sense.
I, too, find the regular parade of parents trying to explain away and cover up for their thug children repugnant.


New member
I, too, find the regular parade of parents trying to explain away and cover up for their thug children repugnant.
I think it's a coping mechanism. I don't subscribe to that way of thinking but I understand it. I just consider the source and don't pay it any attention.


New member
Comcast owns NBC. Brian Roberts, Comcast CEO is a close personal friend, and fund raiser for Obama. So is Comcast second in command David Cohen, and many other if not all of their execs. They were partying, and playing golf with Obama on Martha's Vineyard recently. Thick as thieves.

Are you surprised that NBC is the TASS or PRAVDA of the USSA?


New member
I think it's a coping mechanism. I don't subscribe to that way of thinking but I understand it.

Yeah. Back in my youth there was a family of borderline ne'er–do–wells. One of the boys was in front of a judge for some juvenile thing. His dad stood up and told the judge that he should send the kid to reform school (remember reform schools?) because it would be the best thing for him.

Always admired that.


New member
Are you surprised that NBC is the TASS or PRAVDA of the USSA?

No. It disgusts me that as the "Evening News" ratings leader they shape false opinions through their dishonest reporting.

But you're right. Thick as Thieves.


New member
Lew. It disgusts me too. I just don't understand how a large percentage of the population falls for this crap.

Say Hi to the Castle Café for me. :D


New member
People fall for that crap because a lot of them are not brought up around guns, so they don't know the good things about them, or that they can be fun. All they hear about guns are the negative aspects of them which comes from the media.

Back to the original post though, if it were a baseball bat or knife these idiots used, only then would the media have blamed the person and not the weapon.


New member
Back to the original post though, if it were a baseball bat or knife these idiots used, only then would the media have blamed the person and not the weapon.

Possibly but I think they'd have found a way to blame society as a whole and/or racism.

Strafer Gott

New member
This low IQ crap has got to stop. It's profiling, and I resent it. What does IQ have to do with hunting and the shooting sports? The whole IQ thing is vastly over-rated. If anything, I would consider that it's the higher intelligence quotient folks are more easily sucked in by yellow journalism.
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