Its Never too late Part II


New member
In Nov. I mentioned that my son talked me into having my grandfathers depression era deer rack submitted to Boone and Crockett to attempt on getting it entered in their Record book.

Original post:

I had it measured and submitted, I got the results last week.



As mentioned in the original post, I rescued the rack from the trash of relatives who just don't seem to care. My youngest so, who talked me into having it entered will get it when I'm gone, and I hope his kids feel the same way.

Kids now days just don't seem to care about family history.


New member
That is great that you followed though and got is scored. That''s a great rack, and a fitting tribute to your grandfather.


New member
That's nice, congratulations. I'm sure your son and grand children will appreciate the efforts.


New member
There are a whole lot of things kids can't appreciate until their own kids are half-grown or better. We take so much for granted when we are young. Afterwards, as we reach maturity, we can find ourselves wishing we had done it differently, knowing we let some things go that can never be gotten back. Youth is wasted on the young, and hindsight is 20-20. Congratulations on a good rescue of a worthy artifact.