It's coming. DNA to be taken at birth?

Dave P

New member
Read an article yesterday that said it is already in process in the UK: just so the scientists can track and predict diseases, of course! :mad:


New member
They can't have my D or my N but I will be happy to rip them a new A.

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New member
Absolutely, no doubt. Just a question of what particular spin is put on it. Disease tracking? "Project Ident-a-kid" (akin to the photo ops at the local mall)? A combination of these? I dunno, but it'll sound absolutely benign and positively, well, positive; and only lunatic fringe fanatics could possibly be against it.

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein
"Power corrupts. Absolute power - is kinda cool!"
Fred Reed


New member
Sorry guys. If they need DNA to identify my child, I'm assuming that he is so mangled that speed is no longer of the essence. If they need DNA to prove that a child kidnapped from me many years ago is actually mine, all they have to do is take a sample from me, a sample from my wife, and a sample from the kid. This is all they need WHEN THEY ACTUALLY NEED IT. not before. When my son was born last year, I never once let him out of my sight for the whole 72 hours. He didn't leave our private room but that I didn't carry him. I just don't trust the nurses. I also refused him a SSN. There was a bunch of stuff I refused. I just don't see a need for any of it. They don't need it for health, because a half decent OB GYN can look at your child and tell you if he's healthy. If they don't need it for health reasons, I just simply refuse it.
Again, when someone tries to sell you on its capacity to locate a missing child, tell them they can do the same thing with parental DNA, and do it ONLY when the child is missing. I wonder how many suckers are going to fall for this.

Maybe we need to take a closer look at the fifth amendment again. It clearly prohibits being forced to give evidence against yourself, so if they do take evidence prior to committing a crime, you have still been forced to give evidence against yourself.


New member
Oh, and by the way, the reason I know this is because when they find a missing soldier's remains they identify them using either the mother, father or both parent's DNA. They don't need it up front from the soldier. That in and of itself is a complete lie. They say it's so they don't cause any trauma to your family, it is utter BS. If you've been missing in action, your mother or father would welcome the chance to find your remains, and gladly give a sample.


New member
Another egghead with no grip on reality. How about barcodes on our arms. Sound familiar?


The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
It was over this issue that my USN career ended.. My superiors didn't really seem upset that I refused to give a DNA sample as per the DOD mandate, just confused.

They couldn't understand why I might not want to cooperate. How could it be used to hurt you? They wondered. I said that I wasn't sure but the fact that no one really knew was reason enough for me to protect myself from it.

They are definately pushing for this and that push alone is cause for suspicion and resistance.

Andrew Bornman

New member
Have your babies at home and the gov doesn't even know they exist.

No DNA sample
No footprint

Information is power, share it very carefully.


New member
Sounds to me like it is time to bring a Birth Mom back into the Home and stop having the babys in the hospital.



Staff Alumnus
I'm sure they already have a sample my DNA from my military service :(

We got lots of needles while in basic training. Of course, we had no idea what we were poked with. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


New member
Its already started. New born babes have blood drawn and sent to the state. Do the parents know. NOPE. How do I know this? My wife has a friend in the local hospital lab. She draws the blood, labels it and brings it to the lab.
Now what does the state DO with this blood sample???