It's almost like cheating...


New member
If a gun has ever been built, that is easier to shoot well, I'd love to hear about it.

Gotta love those N Frames!!!


  • 625_vcomp.jpg
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New member
:) I know how you feel, I just purchased a 629 v-comp model with the 3 inch barrel last Spring and it's arguably the most acurate handgun I own. It has a great trigger and seems to shoot everything accurately no matter what I put through it. I worked up a handload with my hand cast 300 grain roundnose flat points and got good velocity and similar accuracy groupings to your picture on the first loading! It would normally take days if not weeks to get find the right combination. I bought the gun as a trailgun for grizzlies but may have to consider hunting with it. I put Hogue grips on it which helps me to control recoil and also gives more "wiggle" room for speedloaders. Not as pretty but more practical.


New member
Oh, NO!!!! It's one of those evil "agreement guns". :)

Nice guns, and I would NOT hesitate to buy one.


New member

24 shots, 25 yards, 2 hands, single action. Used my handloads:

200 grain SWC cast (E&E)
4.5 grains Bullseye
Federal 150
Magtech Brass

No real effort put forth to shoot tight groups (that's sorta the point of this post). Other than a occasional flier, I had 7 other targets just like it.

BTW: RogerC, you are correct. It's a 2000 vintage , part of the 2nd (last) run of 625 V-comps.


New member
Joe, Nice Shooting!!!...did you get your "Ultra Dot" from Larry Carter or Jack Weigand? How was service and price? Now that Tasco has gone "T-U", looks like the "Ultra Dot" is the only REASONABLY-priced unit left on the market....mikey357


New member
Naahhh, it's one of the MONSTERS from the movie "Ghost Busters", and he's got a lighted road flare in DO NOT want to know what I see in innocuous, puffy clouds!!!....mikey357


New member

I really like the UltaDot. IIRC... I paid $122 + $7 S&H + Tax. Had my local dealer order some for me a few months ago. has them at good prices on his web site also. I've ordered from him before and his service is 1st rate.


Hard Ball

New member
I have never shot a S&W N frame that I did not love. They are all accurate, reliable and have that superb double action. An N frame has saved my life on two ocasions. Superb revolvers! :cool:


New member
That's fantastic.
Of course, now I can't just be happy with my plain ol' 625. Now I've got to have a v-comp. I hope you're happy.