It was one of those conversations...

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New member
Me and a buddy was talking about how cool it would be to have a .45 that smells like bacon. That got me to thinking, how hard would it be to come up with a salt-free lube that smells like bacon? How much lubrication abilities does bacon grease have? How does one measure the viscosity of bacon grease from one temprature extreme to the other?

Anybody ever find themselves in a pinch and forced to use bacon grease as a lube?

Anybody else want a pistol that smells like bacon, a chicken fried steak, or something else?


New member
Me and a buddy was talking about how cool it would be to have a .45 that smells like bacon. That got me to thinking, how hard would it be to come up with a salt-free lube that smells like bacon? How much lubrication abilities does bacon grease have? How does one measure the viscosity of bacon grease from one temprature extreme to the other?

I love bacon and the .45 acp but some things were never meant to be joined in an unholy union; this is one of them.
Bad idea.

Bacon grease contains a TON of salt.

Salt is hygroscopic.

Water rusts steel.

And, in very short order the bacon grease (as will most natural oils) go rancid, and rancid bacon grease is an unbelievable stink.


New member
The OP did specifically ask about the possibility of a salt-free variant of bacon grease, or something that smelled similar.

Meanwhile, the biggest concern I'd have about such a lube -were somebody to develop it - would be carrying around dogs. I can see that going south in a severe and rapid manner.


New member
I can see that going south in a severe and rapid manner.
And how! You'd want to be real sure that your holster covered your trigger.

On a similar note, maybe if they made fruity scented gun oil I could get my wife to start shooting - probably not.

However, as I don't see scented gun oil coming out any time soon, if you're that obsessed with bacon, maybe some bacon scented mustache wax would be a better idea.
What's the deal with this obsession with bacon lately?

It's all over the web.

Yes, bacon is good. But lord!

OK, that's off topic...

Tough! :p


At my age I don't mix together things I like to do, and eating and shooting are my favorites. Might be tooooo much for the old ticker.:D


New member
I imagine it could be done. I seem to remember someone coming out with bacon flavored sex lube. I figure scented lube would be easier to make then flavored lube. I mean scent is just one sense while flavor is more like two of your senses. Not sure if I would buy it though.

I would prefer a lube that smelled like cologne when mixed with perspiration. That way on those hot days when you get sweaty and it hits your carry gun you end up smelling even better. Or maybe cologne scented leather treatment to put on your leather holster.

Now that is something I could see myself buying. Plus, I'm already on the large side, I don't need my gun smelling like bacon. People will smell it and assume all I eat is bacon.
OK, I think this is going to go somewhere where we don't want it to go in short order...

Yes, it would be fairly easy to make a lube that smells like bacon. They have car air fresheners that smell like bacon, so a lubricant additive shouldn't be an issue.

Is it a good idea?

Good question.

But, as I said, I fear where this one is going, so I'm going to shut it down.
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