It was irresistible......


New member
To start, let me say that I am ashamed. Momma would never have approved.

I was alone at the range on Saturday morning, testing some new lead reloads in a 4" stainless S&W .357 that I recently bought on for $220. Surprisingly, the first batch I tried was incredibly accurate at 25yds. I was thinking about packing it up and heading home to make about 200 more of them, when my eye detecting a movement on the berm just beyond the 50-yard line. Amongst the weeds on the hill a chubby squirrel was furtively making his way home, his tail twitching the whole time.
Now I haven't been squirrel hunting in about 15 years, and I had since forgotten the adrenaline rush of seeing one while armed and with a clear, safe shot behind him. Like an alcoholic who says, "well, maybe just one beer...." the rush overpowered me and I said aloud to nobody, "just one shot, that's all." :rolleyes:
Fifty two yards is rather far (for me) for a clean shot at a target as small as a squirrel, and that's why I'm ashamed for having attempted it, but I tell ya, the flicking of that tail was just too seductive for me - he had me at hello.

I carefully lined the iron sights up and slowly squeezed off a round. I expected to see a chunk of dirt fly up somewhere around the critter and then him running into the shruberies. No dirt sailed up - in fact, nothing moved, not even the squirrel. I watched him for a bit and he just sat there. I was tempted to take a another plug at him, but I was able to keep my promise and I walked downrange to investigate.
My shot had gone in right behind the front shoulder, pierced vitals, and went out the other side. It was as clean a kill as ever I have seen. His eyes were open, and he had a big walnut clamped in his teeth. A walnut, no doubt, meant to sustain him during the coming winter. For him.....*sniff, sniff*....a winter that will never arrive. :(

My neighbor eats all sorts of creatures. He's the type of guy who you wouldn't be surprised to see in your headlights some night, scraping up roadkill into a shovel. I brought the squirrel home, nut and all, and gave him to my neighbor who has probably already eaten him. :D


New member
Reminds me of the time I was at the range and my friend saw a snake climbing up the backstop, 20 yards away.

Buddy: "Snake!"
Me: "Where?"
Buddy: "Right there!"
Me: "Oh, okay"
*Slight dip to crouch while whipping out the USP*
Me: "Anything else that needs fixing?"

I hate snakes. :)


New member
.357 to a squirel?? well at least your neighbor didn't have to gut him , you did it for him . suprised it didn't turn him inside out , oh thats right you said 357 not 50 bmg. :D