It sucks to be me


New member
Let me say sorry right now for length and spelling.

Well it's official the wife and I are going to see the family on the east coast (MA). I was very excited because she wanted to stop in Hershey, PA on the way so I thought to myself that I can bring my gun with me. I know that NY and MA do not honor my permit, however in MA it is "okay" to carry a firearm not on your person for a sporting event. (from what i have gathered). So other than that don't get caught no problem right. That is what I thought the wife informed me this morning that she changed her mind. So now we will be going through FREAKIN CANADA. I have nothing against Canada (no guns:barf:). However I was hoping to take a gun friendley way thisw time but nope.

Thanks for letting me rant.


New member
You have my sympathy.
I recently went up to NY to visit family. I was amazed at how positively naked I felt. Well, not naked but you know that feeling when you washed your hands and left your wedding ring on the sink and didn't realize it was missing until you get to work so you spend the whole day missing something important? Yeah, that feeling.


All else is bureaucratic nonsense that I choose to comply with or not at my discretion.

Just a question obx, have you been excersizing your discretion and complying with the nonsense?

WildjustcheckingAlaska :)

T. O'Heir

New member
"...on the east coast (MA)...NY and MA do not honor my permit..." So you wouldn't be able to take a firearm anyway. PA's rules wouldn't matter.
One of the first things our Customs types will ask is, "Do you have any firearms?" Lie and they find any, you'll be arrested, charged and turned over to U.S. Homeland Security. Then your wife will get you.