It really NEVER fails...


New member
Whenever you don't have it, you WILL need it.

I bought a MT UT D/E D/A OTF for EDC. (GOD, someone has to come up with a shorter way to say that!!!)

Cool toy. I love it. Carry it often, but NOT often enough. Today again, I thought "nah...I won't bother..." and left it at home before leaving for work.

Well, lo and behold, it woulda come in handy opening that cup o' noodles and some other small packages. :rolleyes:

Not like it was life and death, but I could've used it. Same thing happened last week. Had a package to open, and no blade in the office.

My friends and I were discussing prophylactics and one of my friends said "its like rain gear; when you don't have it, you'll need it." So he always carries one.

Obviously the same philosophy is true for our firearms. I know I'm just preaching to the choir, but I just wanted to share...

DO NOT LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT. If you have to pause and think "hmmm...will I need this?" TAKE IT BECAUSE YOU WILL need it!!! Not just guns, either...

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