It Goes Without Sayin'....I Guess....

I went to a local gun show today and actually had a good time. Bought some good stuff. But I did have a bump in the road...

I approached a dealer that was selling ammo cans. I asked what the price was and told him immediately I would take three. My wife and I started to rummage through and picked them out. I physically had one in my hand, two others were on display. My wife asked if they were display only or if they were for sale. After confirmation, she said we'll take these and proceeded to whip out the funds. Okie-dokie....or was it?

A guy next to me said he already paid and had pick of the litter before we could choose. And let's just say he wasn't exactly congenial about it. There were about a dozen left. We were buying three, he was buying four. I phyically had one between my legs and my wife her hand on the other two, but not holding them. My wife was ready to literally rip him a new one (this guy apparently had never angered a redhead). I basically restrained myself and my wife from commencing a nasty scene that wouldn't end well and said, "Hey, possession is nine-tenths of the law. But today is your lucky day. Since I'm not in the mood to see a grown man act like a 3 year old and then get his privates handed to him by an angry Danish woman, by all means take what you want. It isn't worth bickering over a couple of stupid ammo cans."

I guess things have changed since I last went to a gun show. Has the unspoken rules of buying stuff at gun shows changed in recent times or have I been playing by the wrong rules the whole time? I always thought you picked up the item you want and take it to the dealer, not the other way around.


New member
The gun shows haven't changed, the patrons have. Instead of a bunch of firearms enthusiasts who truly understand what "an armed society is a polite society" means, you have a bunch of people who treat it like the day after Thanksgiving sale at Wal-Mart flocking to the gun shows these days. Funny thing is, the same impolite patrons are probably the same people who voted in the current political climate leading to these types of encounters.

Rich Miranda

New member
Tuttle, I think you did the right thing by just letting him take the ones he wanted. I think it could have gone either way as far as paying/picking - picking/paying, but you demonstrated the kind of restraint that responsible gun owners and CHL-holders should have.


New member
A couple of weeks ago my LGD was at a show, one guy walked up looked over an AK and put it down to do some "bickering" along walked another guy that picked it up and said I'll take it. They almost got into a fight....non-bickering dude paid full price. Lesson #1 hold onto anything you may be trying to buy.


New member
If it were me, here's how the exchange would have gone:

"What would you do if I were to walk up to you at a grocery store and tell you to give me the fresh loaf of bread in your cart because I already paid the cashier for a loaf of bread so I get first choice in the store?"

It would be a different story if he had the seller hold onto them after he paid and was planning on picking them up later.


New member
"What would you do if I were to walk up to you at a grocery store and tell you to give me the fresh loaf of bread in your cart because I already paid the cashier for a loaf of bread so I get first choice in the store?"

Hmmm... 9601, Anchorage, a quote like that. Am I smelling carnivore? ;)