It didn't work


New member
The rubber "de-resonator" thingy I tried on my barrel. Worst groups that gun has ever shot. Kind of glad it didn't work. Looked bad!!
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New member
Did you try different positions on the barrel? I was curious if those things helped or not. If it made the groups worse, it is affecting the resonation of the barrel, just not in a good way.


New member
Best "gimmick" I found that works in every pistol, revolver, rifle is:

Rounds down range, supplemented with hours of dry firing.


New member
Captain, you know I had a thread about the Resonator!? And with all due and most dedicated respect, I had a reasonable inquiry. Because I thought it worthy.... maybe it's not..... i don't know.:confused: And you're perfectly right Practice makes Perfect!!!:)
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New member
I set it where it recommended for a non-free-floated barrel (like mine). I wasn't going to burn up a ton of ammo trying to find a mystical position.


Member Emeritus
Like I said- it DOES require experimentation, and that will require burning some powder.
The maker says that up front (at least they did to me).
If you're not willing to do what it takes to give it a fair trial I wouldn't think it's entirely justifiable to declare it doesn't work. :)

Quite often fine tuning loads, sights, scopes, and so on do involve a bunch of ammo. A manufacturer's recommendations are to be considered merely the starting point, very much like the way scopes are set at the factory and adjustable sights are set at the factory.

No question it IS oogly, though. :)



New member
That might be true if you own all "shooters" but if your rifle happens to shoot groups closer to a shotgun then a rifle you can shoot and dry fire until you're blue in the face without ever gaining any accuracy.


New member
If your rifle shoots groups like a shotgun then that piece of rubber probaly isn't going to help much either, you would be better off doing other things like free floating the barrel, lighten the trigger pull, making sure the crown isn't messed up, etc etc.


New member
Have you considered trying the large size professional model rubber resonator? It comes with a barrel alignment tool.

