It' all relative


New member
A little something of interest to get off the topic of the election for a moment.

Just finished reading "Secrets of Street Survival--Isreali Style" by Eugene Sockut. Sockut lives in Isreal, and carries openly.

He says that he gets a lot of static about this because he doesn't carry in a socially acceptable manner. Standard strong-side open carry doesn't raise an eyebrow. He prefers to carry weak side, butt forward for front-cross draw. He says that this gets a lot of stares and whispers and comments and even vocal criticism. One guy came up to him on the street and threatened to call the police because of the way he was carrying. He says that a front-cross holster gets a lot of attention, while someone with a strong side holster and a slinged Uzi doesn't get a second glance. Carrying a 1911 cocked and locked also draws vocal criticism, while an open-carry semi-auto such as a SIG carried decocked is ignored.


Staff Emeritus
How right you are. But if your style is both effective and different from the norm, you have the advantage of surprise on your side. Also, your opponent has not learned and practiced effective countermeasures for unexpected yet effective tactics. ;)