Issues with a top punch


New member
According to the 'structions, the 311 top punch is called for if sizing/lubing the 358212 pill. This is th 145/147 gr for the 9mm. The ogive is a bit different than the other RN molds like the xxx242 or the xxx311, et al. I am getting a ring impressed into the side of the bullet about halfway down the ogive of the thing. Anyone else have this issue? I thought about taking the dremel and taking the edge off the 311 punch. Any other ideas, like a punch that fit it better.


New member
The Dremel usually works fine.
You can also put a dab of epoxy or jb weld in the top punch, lower it on the oiled bullet, and let it harden.
Then you have a custom fit.


New member
Thanks R28,

I had thought about the epoxy thing too, but I don't load too many of these heavy 9mm, and don't want to mess up my 311 punch. I have some other punches I made special nose patterns with, and that JB is hard to dig out. I could do the same thing here, but I'm fresh out of spare punches.

I might try knocking the edge off first. I did contact Lyman, and the asked me to send it in, and they would whittle me a new on if needed, send a few castings along. Every reference I see, it says 311 punch for this bullet, but it fo shizzle leaves a ring.


If I have a ring on the boolit problem from an ill fitting top punch, I usually just use a flat point top punch. A teeny flat mark on the tip doesn't look as bad as a ring on the ojive.