Issue with Trailboss this winter...

so this is really the 1st year I've been hitting hard, reloading in my new walk in gun safe room... the dehumidifier keeps the air pretty dry... I'm having issues with my RCBS powder measure, with it's plastic drop tube having a bad case of static cling with the light little doughnut shape of Trailboss, the "cling" can be so great, that the whole charge fails to drop... I was able to temporarily remedy this by removing the drop tube, & dropping into a small aluminum funnel that fit into the case... but it did slow me down alot

my retired machinist buddy said he'd make me a pair of aluminum drop tubes... when I get a chance to get my measure over there...

anyone else run into issues with light powders during this cold dry winter ??? how did you remedy ???

I tried dry silicone lube to polish the inside out, tried fabric softener sheets, washing with soap & water... only took a couple cases to be back to full blown static cling

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I haven't had any issues with any powders sticking since the hopper and parts got covered with powder residue in the first few weeks of use. No indication that Trail Boss is any worse than other powders in my Lee Auto Disk or RCBS Chargemaster.


New member
I'd take the powder measure apart again .....and wipe it inside - and outside - with the anti static dryer sheets. It often takes more than one time - to fix the issues ( especially when its dryer in the winter )...depending on where you live.

I will also drop 2 or 3 of the anti static dryer sheets into the powder storage keg...swirl them around inside the container...( helps cut down on static inside those plastic kegs too ).
so... been thinking about black powder cartridge loading...

what do I really need ??? ( have a lot of stuff for smokeless loading already )

thinking about switching some cartridges over... maybe 45 Colt, for sure my 40-65... possibly others...

been fighting the static with plastic parts & Trailboss... obviously can't have those issues loading black
If the air is that dry, you don't need to be removing moisture, you need to be adding moisture.

Ideally during the winter your ambient humidity will be between 30 and 35%.

Anything lower than that and you'll start having really bad static, which is a problem in and of itself when you're trying to reload.