Israel & Peace


New member
I think one of the main problems that Israel has is that it is not really effectively combating terrorism. The masterminds are right in front of them, Arafat and his henchmen. They are there officially.

I think Israel should exile Arafat immediately if not arrest and incarcerate him and arrest the henchmen who are in the PA Authority compound. The Karine A incident shows that these people are planning terrorism.

Israel is not allowing itself to win. As far as world opinion and the UN :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
I think Israel should exile Arafat immediately if not arrest and incarcerate him and arrest the henchmen who are in the PA Authority compound.
You can push Isreal around for only so long...

Give'm time.......It will happen! :D


New member
I think that Israel knows what they should be doing, but they don't want to tick too many people off. They are trying to balance protecting themselves and making the other nations around them and those that they trade with (such as the European nations) angry.

One of these days, Israel will realize that no matter how much care that they take to protect the lives of innocents (and Israel does take a whole lot of care in doing this, they send their soldiers in harms way to take out or arrest specific individuals all the time that could be much more safely taken out with a missile), people still are going to call them brutes and murders. It is then that they will stop caring what others think, and then they will do whatever they think is necessary to enhance their security.