Ishapore 2A1, where to buy?


New member
Anybody have any leads on where I can find an Ishapore 2A1 in good condition at a reasonable price?

While I am at it are there any other similar rifles I should consider instead? .308, Bolt-action, at least 10 round magazine either builtin with charger clips or removable, proven reliability & accuracy out to 800m in the field?
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New member
Beware! Be sure you check the action to make sure the bolt will close. I bought a 2A from a dealer at the Atlanta Farmer's Market gun show last month. The bolt was held open with a plastic tie. When I got the gun home and removed the tie, I discovered the bolt would not close. I have tried to contact the seller and he does not reply to my phone calls or e-mails. (I intend to contact the owner of the gun show about the problem).

Also, I took the gun to a nearby gunsmith. He refuses to work on surplus rifles. Don't know how common that might be.

So make sure you get a good working condition gun before you hand over your money.


New member
I would look at a spanish mauser that has been converted to .308 ..

I picked up a few for around 125 each last year locally, but they have jumped in price recently elsewhere. I can't get anymore locally by the way.