Is your local store low on components?

Dave R

New member
I haven't bought any components for a while. Combination of being busy at work, and not shooting much this winter.

Went into Sportsman's Warehouse in Boise. They usually have 50? 80? rows of powder stacked 3-5 cans deep. Call it 150-300 pounds of powder in stock.

There were 5 pounds in the store. Nothing common.

Bullets were very thin, too. None of the common weights in common calibers.

Primers were a little better, but still thin.

How is it where you are?


New member
My local Sportsmans has been low for the last 6 months. I did hear from a customer that they got bought out a week or two ago and the problem would be remedied but we'll see. They had no powder of any kind, no primers, and most of the vast shelving for bullets was empty. They were sold out of every brand of press, ammo boxes were scarce. They had one brand of .40 ammo in stock and 2 boxes of it left. I will say it's not just that store. There is a shortage due to people fearing that they will be completely Obaminated out of their ammo. Add to that the war and you end up with no ammo or components.

I do happen to know where to get lots of powder but I'm not tellin:)
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New member
1 of my local shops still has lots of powder, still at pre obama prices.
nobody has primers, except cabellas had a few packs of large pistol for $5.99.


New member
At the local Sportsmans Warehouse I frequent, there is virtually no ammo to be found. Only the odd calibers are still on the shelf. Anyone need any .405 Winchester loaded ammo or .38-55 brass? There were three boxes of .38 Super and a couple .41 Magnum boxes too.

Reloading components are just about gone. No brass or lead bullets. No rifle or pistol primers either. A few shotgun primers only. Powder is about nil.

I sure wish this would end soon. I'd like to get some components.:(


New member
Twin Falls sportsmans has nothing. A very few bullets and no powder except shotgun. I heard they were behind on payments to vendors and were cash only so thus no cash no merchandise.


New member
My local store is pretty well stocked. I'd have to count to be sure but at least 30 different powders and most primer sizes are covered by either Winchester or CCI. No huge amounts of any one powder, probably carries 4-5 1lb canisters of each variety. Keep in mind I live in a fairly small town so the store owner doesn't keep huge stockpiles of the stuff on hand, but a good variety and you can usually find what you want.

Just picked up 2000 WLR and 1000 CCI 250, 2# of H4831SC, 1# Varget, 1# Bullseye and 1# of Unique this evening.


New member
My local Sportsmans Warehouse is a barren wasteland when it comes to reloading components.

In the bullet isle, they had quite a few boxes of Speer bullets left and only about literally 4-6 boxes of Sierra bullets on the shelf. The Hornady bullets were worse...they had one single box of .223 bullets on the shelf...everything else was gone.

Im not sure about powder, but primers were completely sold out and there was only a single bag of .204 brass on the shelf....everything else was gone.

As for guns....They had maybe 10 pistols of various manufacture left on the wall behind the counter, but they had a full stock of shotguns and rifles.
in my area its zero, zip, nothing and it has been that way for 20 years.....

the 1 dealer that does stock can't get supples in sufficient amounts to keep up with the demand

If it wasn't for the INTERNET I would be reduced to using slingshot


New member
Sportsmans Warehouse went bankrupt a few months back. They have been bought out by a Canadian company and should start receiving new stock in the near future.

Uncle H

New member
Componant shortage

In my area we have a large supplier-Widener's. Thay have virtually nothing to sell. They've closed their retail outlet and won't accept phone orders-only internet and they're months behind filling orders. They allow local order pickup on Tues. and Thurs. between 3 and 5:00 PM only. I used to buy everything there.

The several mom & pop stores in the area have nothing or next to nothing except for one-they still have primers and a fair selection of powders but no brass at all.

One local shop I frequent can't keep black rifles in stock.

I guess everybody's stocking up for the coming revolution? :rolleyes:


New member
My local mom and pop is stocked to the cieling. Has always been. There literally is only about an 18 inch walkway in front of and behind the counter. Components everywhere.The only issue was WSP last summer.


New member
There's only one local gun shop that still sells reloading components, but he had quite a bit when I was there a couple of weeks ago. Primer prices were too high, but the powder prices are pretty reasonable. Not sure about bullets.

(Gander Mountain quit selling them. Walmart still has blackpowder substitute and a few muzzleloading bullets during deer season, but that's it)


New member
This reminds me of the Y2K scare...

Everyone went out and bought rice and beans and generators. This time it's reloading componets and guns.


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New member
My local gunshop is very lean on his reloading supplies. I usually drive 40 miles one way to purchase any componets that I need. Before I drive, I'll call to see if the have everything in stock before I waste the gas.


New member
[Sportsmans Warehouse went bankrupt a few months back. They have been bought out by a Canadian company and should start receiving new stock in the near future./QUOTE]
That's what I"ve heard also but nothing is happening at my local SW. The shelves are really empty and have been since the election. I'm glad I did some buying before the rush.

Dave R

New member
My local mom and pop is stocked to the cieling. Has always been.
I went to a mom & pop in Boise, and they WERE well stocked. All except WSR primers. Which is one of the things I was looking for.


New member
Depends on the components. Gunpowder is pretty plentiful in my area as are bullets. Brass and primers are a whole different story though.


New member
Wow guys it seems to be actually happening over there. I started a thread a while ago, pre election. The thread was closed for a few reasons. But seems to me that i was right in what i was hearing on our tv programs.

We still have heaps of whatever you want here in Australia but looks like my American Mates are struggling.

Hope it improves over there for you. Like always its the innocent man who always gets kicked up the ass:mad:.


New member
Leaner Pickins

My local store has lots of primers (daily limit purchase of 1000) powder some brands (limit 2 lbs), and not many bullets, all you can take of odd sizes and heavy weights. Factory ammo limit is 2 boxes of White Box Win, 2 boxes of 20 each of "Social". A few presses, less dies, lots of books on re-loading.

Glad I started early including a recent find of 2 boxes of 40 Each of Barnes 185GR Copper .45 Cal DPX bullets.

Good Luck on what you can find, it is getting slim out there, but when you find it, don't buy it all, get a fair share and leave some for the others that are not on the Fast Track.