Is this worth the hassle?


New member
Hi all. I am a couple weeks into carrying concealed. I am becoming quite comfortable and its something I'd like to continue doing. However, I'm going to be traveling for a few weeks to a state that honors my state's carry permit. So I could in theory take my CCW with me (I'm familiar with the TSA rules and can comply with them).

However, I will be spending a fair bit of time in a third state, which does not honor my permit, so it would not be legal for me to carry there. I will be flying into, and ultimately living in, the state where it IS legal, just spending time during the days in a state where it is not.

I'm debating whether it is worth it at all to take my CCW with me or leave it in the safe at home. If I did take it, I would leave it in the hotel room, secured in my travel safe, buried in the bottom of my luggage. But I run the risk of it getting stolen, and I could only carry at night, when I go out to dinner or other places.

The place I am traveling has one of the highest murder rates in the country, but I don't anticipate spending time in any particularly bad areas.

What do you think? Worth it to take it, exercise my rights, etc? Or should I leave it at home?


New member
Not going to that third state would be my decision.

We all know that we can be attacked on a bright and sun shiny day in the middle of a large group of people but it is probably less likely. What I'm saying is, I would obey the law by not carrying in that third state but I would do what I could to not put myself in harm's way. As much as I would like concealed carry laws to be reciprocal in all US locals, I still believe in state's rights a little more.


New member
Hmm, this is interesting. I can have the gun in the third state, concealed but unloaded, or in a vehicle concealed and loaded. So I could take it with me and keep it in the vehicle. I wonder if "unloaded" would include carrying in condition three.


New member
Carry your CCW where you can, when you can.

Have something else for when you can't: blade, baton, mace, et cetera.

I can't carry at work, so that's my solution as far as going to and from the car on the nights I work alone....yes, i know, if I'm there alone why can't I carry anyways, right? Don't think it hasn't occurred to me, but legally, I can't


Many motels have room safes that will easily accommodate a handgun for those times when carry is not legal; otherwise they have a front office safe.

Carry it where you can, not where you can't - not having a gun 24/7 is also not the worst thing in the world, no matter what some here may say

Enjoy your trip


New member
I definitely wouldn't use a hotel room safe (don't half of them open to 0000?), or the front lobby safe. Having hotel employees know I have a gun is the biggest risk I can think of. The likelihood of a non-hotel employee entering my room is tiny, but the likelihood of housekeeping entering is guaranteed.

Locked and buried in my luggage is the best defense I can think of.


New member
Many motels have room safes that will easily accommodate a handgun for those times when carry is not legal; otherwise they have a front office safe.

Carry it where you can, not where you can't - not having a gun 24/7 is also not the worst thing in the world, no matter what some here may say

Enjoy your trip

+1 to a voice of reason!


I definitely wouldn't use a hotel room safe (don't half of them open to 0000?), or the front lobby safe. Having hotel employees know I have a gun is the biggest risk I can think of. The likelihood of a non-hotel employee entering my room is tiny, but the likelihood of housekeeping entering is guarantee

YOU set the room combination when you use the safe; ANYONE can go through your luggage in less than 5 minutes. If you use the room safe, no one is going to know except you - THIS is exactly the paranoia that is based on nothing in fact


New member
I did some traveling a few weeks ago and opted to not take my carry gun. Mainly because I didn't want to run the risk of losing my baggage, or some sticky fingers finding my beloved Bulldog somewhere behind the scenes. The state I traveled to honored my FL permit, but the national monument I visited didn't allow firearms inside. So I'm actually kind of glad I didn't bring a firearm anyway.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I would go, not carry, and be completely at peace.

Yes, you could get attacked and murdered, wishing with your last conscious thought that you had brought your gun.

You might also get struck by a meteor.

Being prepared is one thing. Being unable to carry on about your business without being armed is way over the top.


New member
I don't go where I can't carry. I don't mind telling people why. I happen to be an American Citizen and don't travel to 'Third World States' where they don't recognize the rights of an American Citizen.


New member
Travel is a hassle, I drove through a few states that didn't recognize my permit, at these state lines I stopped and put my gun in a lock box, unloaded of course, then removed it at the friendly states. It's a royal pain as far as concealment goes!

An unloaded gun inside a locked box is as much protection as the box is heavy!


New member
Carry your CCW where you can, when you can.

Have something else for when you can't: blade, baton, mace, et cetera.

^^^^ That.

I've put my pistol in the hotel room safe before, I'm Ok with it. I would NOT put it in the hotel's safe... none of their darned business.

I drove a recovery boom truck after Katrina down on the Gulf, while I had a pistol in my backpack (not very accessable, but better than getting busted... I was not licensed at that point,) but I also carried a 'kali' stick... a 30" bamboo baton used like a short sword. If anyone looked in the truck they would see a 'tire bonker' or something, not a weapon. No, it wouldn't fend off a hoard of bad guys, but it might allow me to get to the safety of my truck... where my pack was.

Small batons, fixed blade knife, those poke thingys on your keychain... anything is better than nothing if you have to leave your piece behind.


New member
Bring it with you wherever its legally possible. If not, keep it in your vehicle or hotel safe.

I would not suggest being unarmed esp if you are going to a state that you say has a high crime rate. Why be a sheep in a place full of wolves?


New member
I am a couple weeks into carrying concealed.

So I'll go out on a very small limb here and assume you've been places and done things in the past without carrying a gun. If it's going to be a big problem and you kind of dread dealing with it then don't take it.

On the OTHER hand, you could use this as a 'learning experience' and get some practice on what it is going to be like if you ever have to or really really want to take your gun along on a trip. Hopefully you'll have lots and lots of time ahead of you when you're going to be carrying a gun.

In other words weigh the factors yourself and see what your personal preference is.

(Gosh I guess I could've just said I don't know...)