Is this the end of Western civilization?

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New member
I am no longer surprised to see the nations of western Europe, including the United Kingdom move toward their own destruction on the train of political correctness and pathological fear of defending themselves. When I read that Muslim groups in England have demanded, and achieved the elimination of any discussion of the Holacaust in many classrooms because in their mosques they preach that it never happened, I was disappointed but not surprised. When I read that now the Muslim groups have demanded, and again achieved the elimination of discussion of the Crusades in some schools, since the Muslims have a very different interpretation of those events, I was again dismayed but not surprised. But I think England is now beyond help when they not only failed to respond to the hostage taking of their sailors by Iran, but actually stated that "fighting back was not an option" I knew they were finished as a power capable of self defense.

But all of that was in England. Now I find that Target department stores have agreed to excuse Muslim employees from certain duties required of other employees since the Muslims have stated that these duties violate their religious principles. When America moves down this path of acquiesence to Muslim demands, combined with the apparent unwillingness of the American people to really recognize that radical jihadists want to destroy us and kill us, then maybe the end is really close. The USA is the last and only power capable of standing up to the Muslim fascists, and if we have lost the will to do so, and even fail to believe it is happening (even after 9/11) then maybe it is time to think about a fall back position in the mountains with my guns and plenty of ammo.

I served in our armed forces for 24 years with pride. I fear for what our world and our country are becoming for my children and grandchildren.


Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry, Vito, but Muslims vs _______ threads are not on topic for The Firing Line. You bring up several interesting points, but we don't "do" religious discussions here.

Maybe you can try the religion forum over on The Black Hole.
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