Is this the correct hardware for A2 stock?


New member
Hello again,

I had ordered a stripped lower for my orphaned 6.8 mashup upper that I recently put together and I’m going to pick it up tomorrow, already have the parts to complete the lower coming in the mail Monday.

What happened is that I got to thinking (always dangerous) and decided why not get another stripped lower while I’m at it, so I went ahead and ordered another lower to pick up at the same time.

Being that I hadn’t planned on this other lower, I don’t want to purchase unnecessary parts.

Digging through my parts boxes, I have another A2 stock and back-plate, but didn’t know where the screws were.

I found these in a box of triggers (didn’t know I had so many) :)
Anyway, I’m sure these are the right screws, I just want confirmation.
If so, then all I need to purchase is a LPK and a rifle buffer and tube set.
I think this will complete all my orphaned uppers at this point.


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New member
Its been a long time since I messed with the A-1/A2 stocks. I can't eyeball the correct screw length for you. But I can tell you the issue.
The A2 stock is about 5/8 in longer than the A1. They work on the same buffer tube. A 5/8 in spacer plug with a longer screw is used with the A2 stock.

If you get your screws mixed up ,there is a problem.An A2 screw with an A1 stock will protrude into the buffer tube. You'ii get a short stroke and the protruding screw will damage the plastic bumper on the buffer. (Yup,been there,done that)
A1 screw probably wont reach threads on an A2 stock. And don't forget the spacer, its buffer tube dia,5/8 long,hole through the middle,aluminum.


New member
Hmmm, ok I’ll look for the spacer. If I have the stock and screws, I most likely have the spacer.
I had completely forgotten about it having a spacer until you mentioned it.