Is This Safe To Try?

Single Six

New member
I have a Remington 870 Marine Magnum. I am considering taking it from it's original matte silver appearance to a high-gloss polish. If I do this, it will be done without tools, just Flitz metal polish, cloth, and elbow grease. I've pulled this off with other [matte stainless] guns in the past, with great results. However, my 870 is, I think, nickel plated as it comes from the factory. My question: Is my idea safe, or could I end up damaging the finish on my shotgun? Thought I'd ask for opinions on this before I actually begin. Thanks, guys.


I thought those guns were electroless nickel plated. It would take a very long time to get a smooth finish on a matte finished shotgun using only polish. It needs to be taken to some polishing wheels. Make sure it is stainless if you do this. Otherwise it will be totally unprotected from the effects of corrosion if the base metal is carbon steel.