is this possible??? (and safe)


New member
i had a want ad in the classifieds for beratta 92fs 9mm mags, i got a pm from a fellow user here on tfl saying that i could also use beratta 92fs .40 mags......he said the round will go in fine and shoot fine, you just cant run .40 through a 9mm.......i have never heard of this and even though .40 mags are on sale right now i kinda dont want to test this theory out in my gun.....has anyone here done this???


New member
CDNN had factory 92 mags for under $20 each, and hi cap as well. I wouldn't trust that they would work, not if my life depended on it. Just buy the proper ones. .40 caliber shells are bigger so a 9 will not be held in properly.


New member
My R.S.O. instructor tried that with my 96 mags in his 92. You could probably bend the feed lips a bit, stock configuration was a tad bit iffy. We had some stoppages, rounds standing up, etc.

I might do it for plinking gear, but nothing I would want to carry to work, use for SD/HD. YMMV.