Is this our Lawdog?


New member
:( While I hope it's not, I fear it is.

stay safe.


BaitshopBoyz Open Chat: Guest

Topic: Sad News
.22 LongRifle

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 11:35 | IP Logged


Hi- I just received an email that my friend, known here as Lawdog, passed away on January 12, 2006. Gary was a good and rightous man, and he will be missed. Gary was only 58.

May the good Lord give peace and rest to his immortal soul.




Keep your powder dry.

aka The Gipper

17 January 2006 at 12:50 | IP Logged


unbelieveable, and very sad!

gary brought a lot to BSB, and i am sorry to hear about this terrible news.

BP, do you have any other information?

Die Wahrheit macht frei.


TasunkaWitko - Chinook, Montana
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.416 Rigby

aka The Kid

17 January 2006 at 13:17 | IP Logged


Unfortunately, I have no further info.....Gary and I would send each other emails about once per month or so....I sent one today, and got a reply from his daughter saying simply that he had passed away on January 12, 2006.....I didn't feel right inquiring further.....I am still in shock....while Gary and I never met face to face, we have been Internet friends for several years, going back to the Shooters, I still just can't believe it....R.I.P........

Keep your powder dry.
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mr mom
.375 Holland & Holland Magnum

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 14:28 | IP Logged


Yesterday I was just thining I'd not seen a post from him since before Christmas.

We will all miss him.


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.375 Holland & Holland Magnum

Honor, Integrity

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 16:08 | IP Logged


Not the best of news. We'll miss him. 2005 has ben a "strange" year for me in many ways other than our losses here on BSB.

One less firefly in the field.

samchap - Waldoboro, ME

Be careful what you decide to not like. Your wife may wear one. Your son may ride one. Your daughter may bring one home. You may have to have one someday.
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.416 Rigby

**Robert E. Lee IV **

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 16:28 | IP Logged


Man thats sad news for sure,whats going on latly.

RIP Lawdog

There's plenty of room for all God's creatures.... right next to the mashed potatoes!

Void where prohibited by slimey politicians bent on the destruction of the Bill of Rights.
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.416 Rigby

** Forest Grump **

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 18:17 | IP Logged


I'm really sorry to hear about Lawdog. He was one of the good guys here. Always seemed like an upstanding man and he held to his convictions. He will definitely be missed.

The "Trail of Life" is long and at times challenging.
Carry an open mind and an honest heart, and the
journey will be it's own reward.
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Honor, Integrity

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 20:01 | IP Logged



I too am sorry to hear of his passing. Kinda scary, I'm also 58. That's far too young to go. We'll miss him.

Godspeed, Lawdog.


"The truth hurts, and our media makes sure it doesn't get free" Me
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.375 Holland & Holland Magnum

JoinedPosted: 17 January 2006 at 20:35 | IP Logged


Vaya con dios, compadre.

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others. - Aristotle
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.416 Rigby

aka Old IronSides

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 21:04 | IP Logged


He had a lot to do with us here, and I always enjoyed his posts. A real loss...........................Kingpin

They can kill you but they can't eat you. Wait, they can just eat me.
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Dave Skinner
.375 Holland & Holland Magnum

Posted: 17 January 2006 at 23:49 | IP Logged


Another good one gone. Makes you think, doesn't it?

Up hills slow, down hills fast, tonnage first and safety last
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.22 LongRifle

Posted: 18 January 2006 at 10:07 | IP Logged


I am sorry to hear of his passing but I am sure he is in a better place than the rest of us now! So long for now Lawdog!!!

America Is Free! Thanks To It's VETERANS!!!
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.30/06 SpringField

** **

Posted: 19 January 2006 at 11:04 | IP Logged


I too am sorry about the passingof Lawdog. I have talked to him on other boards, and remember him as well from the old shooters board. A fine man he was. RIP.

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.416 Rigby

** West BY-GOD Virginian! **

Posted: 19 January 2006 at 13:36 | IP Logged


When it rains it pours.

Lawdog was a most knowledgeable fellow when it came to guns. I enjoyed his input for a number of years since I've been here on BSB. I am very sad to see him go. I wish there was something we could do. Farewell and see you on the range above.

"Mountani semper liberi" - Mountaineers are always free.
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.375 Holland & Holland Magnum

Posted: 19 January 2006 at 21:26 | IP Logged


A loss for all here. Lawdog was not only respectful but his professional opinions expressed from time to time made a lot of common sense too. And common sense is at a real premium these days. RD

A man who cannot find happiness at sunrise in a frosty deer stand or beside a stream at the evening hatch has not the makings of happiness within his soul.
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.416 Rigby

AKA King Leui VX-III

Posted: 19 January 2006 at 21:31 | IP Logged


I will miss his posts too !

I don.t know what to say hope he went easy and wish his family the best. ...tj3006

Freedom 1st tj3006
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Big John
.243 Winchester

Posted: 20 January 2006 at 09:12 | IP Logged


I enjoyed weighing opinions back and forth with him here, I will miss that. God speed.
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North Logan
.416 Rigby

aka The Legendary Lawman

Posted: 20 January 2006 at 23:24 | IP Logged


Sad news indeed. May he rest in peace...

Best Regards, Marcus.

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New member
''Our''Lawdog is named Ian - and is a younger guy.

Sad tho to read of this Lawdog's demise. He went at 58 - I am 60 - makes the grim reaper feel awful close!!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I keep telling you guys: If you live the clean, pure life such as I have done, you'll make it past 70!

I got some great deals on a bridge, too. Cash only.

:D, Art

Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Nu-huh! Ain't gonna happen to our LawDawg! If I see that grim ol' reaper tip-toeing towards him, I'm gonna wrassle 'im to the ground, tie his shroud in knots, and cut off his toodles with his scythe! Nope, he ain't getting 'im till he finishes the latest installment of the Law Dog Files! :D


New member
Please never, ever do this to me again.

Between reading the start of this thread, coming across "Gary" and rummaging frantically through my brain I swear my heart stopped.


New member
I apologize

Please never, ever do this to me again.

Between reading the start of this thread, coming across "Gary" and rummaging frantically through my brain I swear my heart stopped.

I promise from now on to PM the nearly departed first to check, a' la Mark Twain, if the repor is premature.

I was too shaken, thinking that it might have been, to do anything else but copy the whole thread & ask if was "our" LawDog.

stay safe.
