is this legal or ethical??


New member
is this legal or ehtical??

I was thinking since my girl and I are getting serious I was wondering is it legal or ethical to give her A S&W (preagreement ) 686 Clark custom ( the gun she likes of mine ) to her as an engagement present as she said she wouldn't want a ring .. yes this is a serious question too.

Chuck McDonald

New member

Assuming she is not otherwise proscribed, it is not only legal, it is a very good idea to set her up with a defensive weapon.

Sounds like a nice G/F.




New member
FLM why am I lucky ?? I am the one giving away the gun .. :( but in my opinion shes worth every cent . or is that cartridge???


New member

Sounds like a great lady. Mine wanted both a ring, and a gun :(

The only thing I would worry about in your situation, and this in more her problem than yours, is the gried she is going to get from her friends.

I saw this happen with a friend of mine. His g/f wanted a pearl ring, liked it better than diamond. Every time she showed it off after saying she was engaged, people looked down their nose, "Doesn't he love you enough for a diamond?" It's sad that the diamond industry has affected young ladies so much.

So, if that is what she wants, then go for it. I'm sure she is an independent enough thinker that she won't mind some grief from her friends. Heck, if they are her friends, they'll probably want to see the gun.

Good luck!


New member
Chuck McDonald covered the legal aspects.

Exchange of gifts quite proper.
Especially if she gives you a 41 Coonan.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
So long as its lawful, its certainly legal!:D :cool: :)
Congratulations, and hats off to any lady that would
rather have a gun, than a ring! They are few and far
in between.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
"Doesn't he love you enough..."

My ex-wife got that a couple of times when she showed off her emerald engagement ring. Thing of it was, I spent over $5K on that ring. One stupid, crass, and nosy person just about fainted when I told her that.


New member
She probably does want a ring as well. Remember, when dealing with women you have to read their minds. You not only have to be kind, loving and sensitive, you have to be telepathic.

Ed Brunner

New member
As a man who has been marrued much of my adult life, I like the idea. It is a much better basis for a relationship than a silly overvalued hunk of coal or whatever. I would say "Go for it", but warn that she will probably want the ring at some future time.

So when she does, get her another gun!!!

CZ Gunner

New member
Blitz is right ...

You better plan on doing the ring too .... or spend the rest of your life listening to it! LOL

(Since when do women say what they MEAN? Sort of like one of those no win questions, such as .. "does this dress make my ass look fat" .. no matter what you say, you're going to put your foot in your mouth! :D )

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New member
She doesn't want a ring? Yeah, right. Danger, danger, my hooks are flailing wildly.

Unless she has a felony conviction or certain misdemeanors or certain state laws prevent it, nothing wrong with it. You have to answer the ethical part.

Buy her a ring. It's a sucker punch.


New member
I've been there and done that. Get a Pre-Nup drawn up stating that if things don't work out the gun goes back to you. You can always tear it up after you've been married a few years if you like. Ask yourself this, do you care if you never get the gun back if things don't work out? Understand, I'm jaded, but I got the gun and the ring back after the woman proved to be less than worthy because of that piece of paper. It would have protected her had I been of her character. Being in love is all fine and good, but don't be stupid 'cause she makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Good luck.


New member
I got lucky too. My wife didn't care about precious stones at all. She was satisfied with a gold band...but, to answer you seriously, I'd GIVE her a gun (for her personal use unsupervised and at her discretion only) only after she'd participated in a couple of IDPA/IPSC type events where she'd have to get used to acquiring their type of targets (no bullseyes) and shooting under stress.

As for a pre-nup, the only condition I'd insist on is that she doesn't shoot you with it;). Pre-nups are for those that shouldn't get married. They're pushing too fast; trust your partner, or don't marry her. Do you distrust your own instincts so much as to insist on a pre-nup? If a pre-nup even crosses your mind, she ain't the one. It's not the existence or mention of a pre-nup that causes a break in the relationship; it's only a symptom of the problem.
Danger, Will Robinson !!!

Listen to the other guys, and me (having been a married dude), BUY HER THE RING.
Also, buy her the piece, but make bloody certain she gets a ring. Does the statement, "Your life will be a living hell," have any meaning.
Actually in many cultures the gift of a weapon on the wedding day was traditional. It was usually presented to the grom by the bride's father and brothers


Member In Memoriam
Give her the gun, don't do a pre-nup (sheesh) & stash that ring somewhere nifty to be brought out sometime soon after doing the gun-bit (inside a box of ammo or somesuch) after she's had a chance to play with her new toy.

The Ladies are absolutely wonderful about cool l'il surprises that she never expected or "wanted."

Be creative with that ring-thing & that will go a long, long way. You'll be a hero.

& if you're ever caught being right - appologize immediately.


New member
Hi, coonan357. Nice problem to have! I'd suggest a ring for the engagement, plus a promise that you'll both go on honeymoon to a good shooting school (Thunder Ranch, Lethal Force Institute, Gunsite - whatever floats your boat and is within reach). You can then give her the gun as a wedding/honeymoon present, and both of you can shoot off a couple thousand rounds to cement the relationship! Sounds like a match made in heaven to me... after all, what better way to spend a honeymoon than to shoot together??? :D ;) :D ;) :D ;)


New member
"does this dress make my ass look fat" .. no matter what you say, you're going to put your foot in your mouth
That's close but not 100% correct. The real question they ask is "Does this ___ make my butt look fatter?" not just fat.

--been there got the welts to show for it-- :D


Get her a ring,,,have no fear, she'll take over the 686 all by herself. I "lost" my High Standard to my girl friend when I married her. That kinda thing happens.