Is this experiment safe?


New member
My CZ 75 has had probably 650-700 rounds through it. No more than 250 have been shot through it without cleaning, but some of those were over 2 or 3 range trips.

I'd like to test the reliability now. It's been 150 rounds without cleaning. It has never experienced a single hiccup. I'd like to test it through 500-1,000 rounds to see if it would cause any issues.

CZ recommends cleaning after every range trip but I'm not sure why that is.

Any other CZ owners know about this?


New member
It shouldn't be dangerous. Eventually the gun might just clog up and malfunction. With a CZ 75, it might take awhile. Gun magazines run these tests all the time. I am sure all guns run better if cleaned after every session, but it's not a safety issue.


New member
CZ recommends cleaning after every range trip but I'm not sure why that is

Good practice

I'd like to test the reliability now. It's been 150 rounds without cleaning. It has never experienced a single hiccup. I'd like to test it through 500-1,000 rounds to see if it would cause any issues.

And most likely you wont see any issues at all. Go ahead, you wont hurt it :)


New member
No danger to the gun either. Old-style steel military pistols can take quite a bit. 1000 rounds without cleaning doesn't qualify....


New member
Unless you know of some other reason to suspect your particular gun, 1K rounds isn't that much between cleaning. Some on this board find cleaning guns either essential if not fun on a weekly or daily basis, but I expect there are many guns, including CZ 75's, that NEVER have been cleaned, and have thousands down the tube.
Have fun!


New member
You will be fine - but realize no gun woks without lubrication. You may need to make sure it's got enough oil when you start.

I like Breakfree CLP - but it tends to evaporate easily. I re-oil my carry gun 1x a week... Mostly just the frame rails with a toothbrush...

So, you may need to just reoil just part of the gun if it sits there a while...

Personally, I don't go for this. All of my guns are potentially self defense guns. I wanna keep them clean, and good to go at any time. So, I clean them right away. I know they can go many hundreds of rounds or more in 1 day if need be. But when the day is up - I look at it as a "reset" to make sure all continues well from that point on....
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Good practice
I agree. It's a good habit to clean the gun after every time shooting it, but it is not necessary.

The CZ75 is a combat pistol. If it couldn't go 1000 rounds without a cleaning, it wouldn't be a very good one. I've never gone that far with one of mine, but I've little doubt it should do fine.


New member
If you have a malfunction after 1,000+ rounds with out cleaning, I would be surprised. However, the extra wear and tear on your weapon is a different story. All the crud and debris will stack up in the action and the barrel and act like sand paper. I put over 5,000 rounds through my Walther P-22 with out so much as a curtsey wipe just to see how it would do. Never had an issue but I do have some excess wear between the frame and slide. Now at over 10,000 rounds it still shoots fine but I do clean it. My Charles Daly 1911 was run for 2,500 rounds with the same treatment with out any problems. Currently 14,000+ rounds through the Charles Daly and it shoots like new.

the Walther

The CD 1911



New member
Go ahead and test it out. I find many people are too apprehensive to do tests like this with their firearms. Yes they are expensive and want them to last as long as possible, but you should have some fun with it too. Most likely the worst that will happen is it will stop firing due to gunk build-up, not a big deal in my opinion. Curious to see how many rounds it will go before cleaning.


New member
Go ahead and test it out. I find many people are too apprehensive to do tests like this with their firearms. Yes they are expensive and want them to last as long as possible, but you should have some fun with it too. Most likely the worst that will happen is it will stop firing due to gunk build-up, not a big deal in my opinion. Curious to see how many rounds it will go before cleaning.

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New member
You will be fine - but realize no gun woks without lubrication. You may need to make sure it's got enough oil when you start.

I like Breakfree CLP - but it tends to evaporate easily. I re-oil my carry gun 1x a week... Mostly just the frame rails with a toothbrush...

So, you may need to just reoil just part of the gun if it sits there a while...

Personally, I don't go for this. All of my guns are potentially self defense guns. I wanna keep them clean, and good to go at any time. So, I clean them right away. I know they can go many hundreds of rounds or more in 1 day if need be. But when the day is up - I look at it as a "reset" to make sure all continues well from that point on....

I agree with this too, I am the same way. My carry gun gets a quick cleaning and oiling every week or two even if it hasn't been fired, just to keep it in good shape and reliable. I'm the same way with maintaining my vehicles, I take the best care of them that I can! When I buy something I want it to last a long time, no matter what it is!


New member
Your experiment is fine and won't harm your gun. Once / if it starts to run wonky, give it one hell of a cleaning and post your results. Pictures are nice too!


New member
The more you shoot it without lubrication the faster you'll wear it out. They don't last as long if you're in the habit of shooting them dry.


New member
The more you shoot it without lubrication the faster you'll wear it out.

This is exactly what I was going to post. The only thing you gain from a high round count without cleaning is bragging rights. Plus any gun you use for self defense should be kept clean and lubed anyway.