Is this another kill by the DC murderer?


FoxNews is reporting that a woman has been shot in the head at a Home Depot in Falls Church, Virginia and is dead on the scene.

One kill. <sigh>


New member
Looks like it.

MSNBC was jumping all over the fact that a guy had been brought in for questioning after being shot by his GF.

Simply because he had an AR-15 in his white astrovan.

MSNBC and other networks made a big deal about the arrest - and no wonder why. It was not just because of the Astro and AR-15. It was also because the guy also apparently is police buff who had various police scanners in the vehicle, had several guns, had books on sniping, and as it turns out, he was a military firearms instructor.

Many of these trait match in a patchwork manner what many of the profilers have been saying. The guy is very interested in police stuff. He had been in the military and was very familiar with firearms such as the AR-15, the civilian counterpart to the M-16 about which he probably gave instruction. Add to that the suggestion that the guy would likely own many firearms, was male, and did have an Astro van and it looks like they had a good candidate for the sniper.

CNN announced that they have already tested his AR and found out that it was not the weapon used in the shootings. Assuming he isn't the sniper, this would just go to show that it is possible to find matches for the suggested criteria and those matches not be correct. The information is sufficiently vague to make such a match without being able to make it as the expense of being completely exclusionary to folks who are not the sniper.


Had an AR in his van, huh? Guess he's cleared now. :rolleyes:

What demostrable evidence do we have that an AR is the murder weapon? What **description** do we have of the shooter(s)?

What a cluster-foxtrot this "investigation" has been...


New member
The police probably do not have any evidence that the rifle is an AR. OTOH, if I lived in the DC metro area and owned an AR or any other .223 and a white van, I probably would not carry it in the van. It may be legal but I don't want to spend 8 hours in detention waiting for the ballistic tests to come back. I also wouldn't want some balaclava clad hero shooting me and asking questions later.


What do people think about the white vans/trucks? First it's the 8-10m truck the sketches all portray, then it's a minivan, then a GM van (those are like 6m long IIRC).

IMHO the a$$-hat murderer is playing off of the "white van" publicity and is deliberately targeting people only when and where there are white vans nearby. Either that or I'm completely wrong and it is some psychopath who really wants to test his luck by shooting from and escaping in the type of vehicle police are looking for.

Kirk Keller

New member
tyme has a point

Any time during the day, stop and look around. Count the number of white vans. I did this yesterday on a hunch a few times and found that, wherever I was, there was always at least one white van close by...

The incidence of the white van could be pure coincidence.