is this a deal?


New member
At the gun show, looking at a security six, looks like 4" barrel. He can't tell me a ton about it but it looks highly used. Looking for 250, won't budge. Good deal?


New member
It seemed ok, just dirty. I ended up passing on it and picking up a used SP101 instead, I'm definitely happier with this.


New member
If you let a Security Six pass for $250, I'd be ashamed to post about it. That's a steal for the best DA revolver Ruger has ever made......or will ever make.


New member
Coastal is correct. The Security Six was a superior design and tough as any gun ever made -- and they don't make them anymore. SP101s are OK, but they're 5 shooters on a smaller frame -- and they are fairly commonplace. You can pick up a SP101 any time. Security Sixs are getting real hard to come by.


New member
Your excellent advice is 7 hours too late. Please be on your computer at all times, or please don't criticize someone making the best decision they can given the information they had at hand (none).

I'd rather be in this position than "oh my god you spent how much on that piece of garbage?!"


New member
Scotchman, you are right. I apologize. The SP101 is a good gun and will not disappoint you (I have a 3" in .357). When you have a chance sometime, take a look on-line at the Security Six family (including the Speed Six and the Service Six). They were some neat guns.