Is there any point to "fake" suppressors?


New member
I received the latest "Guns-n-stuff" catalog yesterday, and there's like a whole page of "fake suppressors" for sale. Then, while surfing around looking for a match barrel, I found another place selling a similar item. Is there any logical reason why someone would want a phony suppressor on their gun? I mean other than to look like Joe Pesce in Goodfellas, I would think they don't serve any purpose. Seems like a waste of money to buy a product that looks like it's going to work, but doesn't actually work.


They are there for aesthetics. While even more pointless, they fill the same role as hooked trigger guards, light rails, front cocking serations, commander style hammers, skeletonized triggers, hooked base plates and nickel plating.

Since people seem to make looks a very large consideration, why not fake tactical crap to complete the fantasy?


Beg pardon. I like sqared off trigger guards (if that's what you meant). Light rails could be useful if you really want a light on your gun. Other than that, I agree with ya.


New member
Is there any point to "fake" suppressors?

Yep - the perfect add-on accessory for the person that buys a CCW badge,,,,

or a 13 year old. <<--point #2

or someone that buys a non-firing replica gun that sells for ~ the same price as a real one

or someone that buys a switchblade comb (refer to point #2)

or someone that buys a ($10.) switchblade kit from a magazine and pays $99.00 for it

or someone that bought a Western Haig (there's one that should dredge up some memories) (refer to point #2)

or someone that has every item from a Johnson & Smith catalog (refer to point #2)

or someone that installed a Rolls Royce front end on a VW Super Beetle

or someone that bought, studied and mastered Yubawaza (refer to point #2)

or someone that spent $10 of hard earned circa 1964 $$ for a surplus weather balloon 10' in dia - that came packaged like a giant condom - that tore apart while being removed from the package. (refer to point #2)

or someone that honestly believed they could earn money raising rabbits and/or eartheworms (refer to point #2)

or someone that lives in NYC/IL/NJ/Cal simply beacuse the ad usualy says no sales to those areas (refer to point #2)(but not exclusive of other ages)

:D - just kidding - mostly ;)


New member
Those are functioning milti-purpose suppressors!

They suppress the owner's ability to convince other gun owners that he is knowledgeable, rational, or thrifty.


New member
Aw, c'mon guys, . . . it's that "free market" thing the politicians are always kicking around. The more stuff that is sold, the better the economy; the more money that is being circulated, the better the economy, . . . etc.

Suppressors :p , CCW badges :D , variable power Star War phasers :eek: : keep our economy in fine oiled working order.

May God bless,

Geoff Timm

New member
Hal commented: "or someone that installed a Rolls Royce front end on a VW Super Beetle"

Well, it was the only way to double the trunk space.

Who just helped install it, I didn't buy it! :cool:


Aren't they a good starting point for someone who wants to convert them into a functional suppressor? I guess there isn't any more fantasy involved on the part of the guy who likes to shoot what looks like a commando gun, but isn't, and a guy who likes to dress up like Wyatt Earp, but isn't and carries around a card with his Wild West pseudonym and official registration number.....

Tom B

New member
I just bought an unissued East German army helmet for $8. I don't know why and neither does my wife! You should have seen the look on her face when she opened the box and pulled it out!


New member
Well, no.

But I suppose there are those who do. Which is not to say I haven't blown a fair amount of good hard Yankee money on worthless junk. It has taken me a while to differentiate.

If'n I had money to burn, so to speak, I might get a fake suppressor for the 7.65 Walther PPK to put in the glass case for my James Bond collection. Maybe.

I do shoot pistols with squared and checkered trigger guards. I think there is better recoil control with my left index finger in front of the trigger guard. I also like nickle plating on certain classic handguns. I have no use for a light rail. What a country! Fly, be free!


Oooh, guilty...I once spent $75 at a gun show on one of those Colt M16 auto knives that I think you can get for around $20. Getting smarter, slowly but surely.


New member
I've heard of them, but not seen them. What is the construction like? I assume they aren't hollow, since the BATF would probably say they're real suppressors.


If for some reason you wanted to put a stock on a handgun like a Glock or 1911 you could permanently attach a fake suppressor to a threaded barrel to bring it up to legal rifle length. Would make fieldstripping and cleaning a b*tch though. Not to mention the weight might stop the barrel from unlocking, turning it into a straight-pull bolt action :p

But maybe some poor souls in Kalifornistan have to do these things to own certain guns.