Is there a mechanism for reporting unpleasant sellers on gunbroker?


New member
I can't really leave feedback, as the guy was a jerk in the Q&A process, so I did not buy his pistol.

But is there a way to let the admins know a seller is a jerk? (Example, when I pointed out a piece of info I wanted was not listed in the ad description, as he said it was, he told me to go s--w myself.)


New member
Not really... at least not a way that a Gunbroker buyer can find your comments easily. Contacting customer service... stays with customer service, and they won't do anything at all unless a policy is blatantly abused. The Gunbroker "maze" can be difficult at best, and as you didn't buy, you have no access to feedback... other than to the GB forums, and a complaint there would get yanked pretty fast.

If you belong to any social networks where you have your very own page and can say anything you want without reprisal... I suppose that'd be a way to go, but someone would have to be searching for the seller outside of the GB search engine.

I know it's a bit raw right now... but I'd respectfully offer the suggestion that you consider this for awhile. I've been on both sides of that fence, and after a time, a cooler head tends to be smarter more thoughtful head... even with those we'd just as soon strangle at the time. ;)



New member
Thanks for the advice.

Actually, I simply wanted to see if such mechanism existed, in case the seller decided to continue in unpleasant mode.

Assuming he lets things lie, the question is academic.


New member
Actually, I had the reverse problem when I was selling a gun on gunbroker (but i never told the guy to s---w himself). I had the specifics of the sale in the ad, but the old guy didn't follow any of them (no PO Box, Postal MO only, etc.). He sent me a PO box address, and a bank money order. I worked with him and we got the deal settled, but it was frustrating. He said I was the most fussy seller he ever dealt with (at least I'm not a jerk though). I came very close to the s---w yourself answer but I contained myself. He didn't leave feedback, so I didn't have to contact gunbroker.


New member
In my case, I asked if a 1911 were series 70 or 80. Answer: I've got no clue.

So next, I said, What is the serial number, so I can find out?

Answer: It's in the ad description (plus some snarky comments about X meaning a number in each of the last three digits).

Problem: SN was not in description or title, and could not be seen in photo.

Based on some other characteristics, and after asking a gunsmith friend, I determined it was a Series 80. I emailed the seller to let him know what he was selling, and I let him know that his style of communication was not encouraging a sale.

He went off.

I let him know that if he wished to spew insults, I would just forward his email chain to GB support. Haven't heard a peep, since.

I have a fair number of GB transactions, all with A+ feedback. I have had a few transactions on TFL, all with positive feedback. I try to communicate in a courteous manner. This guy was the first jerk I have dealt with, as potential transactions go.

But like I said, so long as I hear no more from this guy, the support question is academic.


New member
Based on some other characteristics, and after asking a gunsmith friend, I determined it was a Series 80. I emailed the seller to let him know what he was selling, and I let him know that his style of communication was not encouraging a sale.

Most people wouldn't have recieved what you said with gratitude. Not sure what you expected from him (thanks?). Probably should have forgotten all about him after you decided you weren't interested in the gun, but in reality, you just had to make a statement, right? He wasn't asking for your help. Sorry, but I think you started it. You just brought out the jerk in him... ;)


New member
noelf2, you may be correct.

Like I said, though, I have never received such answers to queries about a potential purchase. Part of me probably did want to make a statement.

Part of me actually thought it might really help the guy to know 1) that it was a series 80, should the question come up again; and 2) that the way in which questions are answered may very much affect a sale, for good or ill.

I have been asked questions to which I had no answer. In such cases, I have let the potential buyer know that I would try to check, and then answered once I found the answer.

In one case, I could not find a definitive answer, and told the buyer that I could only make an educated guess; I then sent him more pictures so he could try to make his own determination.

Maybe I am unreasonable, but I think courtesy should be the norm, and not an occasional, pleasant surprise.

Edit: noelf2 - with regard to expectations, an apology for the sarcasm the guy threw my way about reading a serial number, when in fact he had not put it in the ad, would have been in order.