Is the story changing?

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Buzzard Bait

New member
The news right after the horrible school shooting was that they found the dead shooter with two hand guns a Sig and a Glock. Later in the day his car was found and a Bushmaster AR 15 was found in the trunk or at least thats what I remember now if I am hearing right the dead were killed with an AR 15 rifle? Is the story changing? I have to admit I don't watch much of it.


New member
sounds to me like an object lesson to question everything the media tells you.

they couldn't get it right, but published their mistakes anyways, and now want to blame law abiding gun owners for the actions of an evil criminal.

of course, they will assign no blame to themselves for repeatedly telling us who did this and other crimes, with stories day after day.....shamelessly profiting from the misery of others. shame, shame on them.


New member
People hear what they want to hear.

If they know nothing about guns, hear "Bushmaster" rifle, and see a shotgun coming out of the trunk.... They put it all together and come up with:
"Bushmaster assault rifle found in trunk of shooter's car."

It's just like the Piers Morgan interview we have all seen, now.
During one of his rants he blurts out that Lanza had FOUR "assault rifles". ...because, to Piers, any rifle is an 'assault rifle' - even a Henry lever action .22. :rolleyes:

Alabama Shooter

New member
All of the initial reports about the CT shooting were wrong. One outlet even posted a picture of the shooter's brother and said he did it. Are you really relying on the media for accuracy?

I am new and confused on the rules. Is this the legal section?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Don't be confused. read the Read Me First! stickied thread for the formal rules of this area of TFL.

That said, we are allowing some political discourse, due to the imminent threat of possible gun bans.

As for the Media.... Never trust them.

Carne Frio

New member
So, has there been a factual description of the exact
brand and model number of the gun used to commit
these murders ?
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