Is the Kahr MP9 out yet??


New member
I saw a post on one of the gun forums (it may have been this one), and the originator said that the Kahr MP9 was now out. Has anyone seen one?

I got on Kahr's website, and there is no mention of it. I checked the Kahr forum, and again--nothing.:confused:


New member
I'm well aware of the covert. I'm looking for the itty-bitty polymer version of the MK9 that everyone's waiting for.;)

Barn Dog

New member
Druggie, I talked with a local dealer, he said about another 9 months from now for the polymer version but was not sure. I guess it will have a grip size about like the covert but the barrel length of the MK. If they make this thing I'm in for one. Why doesn't Kahr have anything on this?? - I even called them and they could or would not tell me anything on a release date. Barn Dog.


New member
They never do. They leak rumors and wait for the market to get lathered up. When the weapon is released it will not be able to stay on the shelves.
I talked to Kahr yesterday and they told me since 09/11/01 they have not been able to keep up with orders for guns, parts, grips ect. They are at least 6 to 8 weeks behind on parts for current models.
MP9 is probably coming out a the next Shot show if history is any teacher. Look for the MP40 around a year later. I just hope they are better out of the gate than the P9 and P40's were.


New member
I just wish they would hurry up and get them MP40s out ... I imagine it will cause a modest price drop for the MK40 :D (I bet there will be a bunch of MK40 owners who want to unload their used MK for the new MP)


New member
Last fall I sent Faye Newcomb, Kahr Sales Coordinator an email asking about a possible release date for the MP9.

She replied that they may release the MP9 around August of this year. One is one the way, she was politely ambiguous about a firm release date.

It probably will be at the shot show. I am buying the first one I can get my hands on.

I had a P9 and it worked flawlessly for me. I sold it and got a Pocket Nine (just slightly smaller in some dimensions). I am selling the Pocket Nine to finance an MP9.

The MP9 will be the smallest, lightest 9mm you can get.

I can't wait!


New member
There is a picture of the new MP9 in the back of the March Guns Magazine. The suggested retail price is $599.00, but no release date was listed. I am with you guys, I can't wait to get one. I just picked up a P9, and I absolutely love it! I been carrying it istead of my Glock 27. It's so thin, I almost forget I have it on.


New member
You know, I've always drooled over the Kahr pistols, but never bought one because they were so darned heavy. Finally, the P9 was released, and I snatched up the first one that came into my favorite gun dealer. It must have been one of the first off the production line, because it was a pure LEMON.

I was extremely disappointed; multiple feeding failures, stovepipes, rounds halfway into battery. Kahr worked with me--we tried several recoil springs, a new assembly pin/lever, different mags--the gun was an overpriced joke. I did the 200-300 round break-in period, everything. I finally took my losses and sold it to a pawn shop.

Maybe enough bugs have been ironed out of the P9 to make the MP9 a reliable weapon. I would carry the MP9 a LOT. My S&W 337 AirLite Ti and Kel-Tec P-32 are my regular carry guns.

Mad Man

New member
What's the difference between the P9 Covert and the MP9?

I've never heard of the MP9, except for references here at TLF, and I always assumed that somebody was confusing the two.


New member
Mad Man,

The Covert has the shortened grip...the MP9 has both the shortened grip AND shortened barrel. It is the smallest Kahr pistol made--the polymer version of the MK9. Check Kahr's homepage; they have some good pictures and specs showing the differences.:D


New member
"I bet there will be a bunch of MK40 owners who want to unload their used MK for the new MP."

Not this one. Why? Well, first off the MKs aren't too heavy. Granted they are relatively heavy, but that's different from too heavy. Second, that weight, liittle though it may be, is one of the reason MKs are good shooters.

But... As anyone can see, there are many who cannot wait for a 6 ounce .40S&w. No doubt it will be the most comfortable carry piece ever. I only hope they never have to actually use it.


New member
I agree with Erik.

I have an MK40 and its a keeper. It is the most power in the smallest package I could find that is controllable.

If it weighed any less it would be too much to handle for me. It is right at the edge of controllable for me.

The MP9 will just be a very nice, drop it in your pocket, relatively effortless carry. And a 9+p like a pro load or a quik shok is a very potent round.


New member
I had an MK40, that was surprisingly not at all terrible to shoot. I sold it for a P9 (with a serial number sequentially just before or after Druggie's) that was finally replaced with a P40 that's been 100% so far. We also have an MK9 that my wife carries.

Given my experience with the recoil of all these pistols, I have decided that the MP40 is not for me. I don't care that the P40 mags will fit in the MP40.... The P40 is as much recoil as I want in a carry pistol. It is more severe than the MK40. I also noted when I had the MK40 that it was a wee bit heavier and longer than the MK9. Not by much mind you, but when I buy the MP, I want the absolute smallest, lightest pistol I can get, but still shoot comfortably. For me, that's the 9mm.

I don't plan to keep my Kel-Tec P32 after the MP9 comes into my life. :cool:


New member
Hey Traithe,

You said you saw a picture of the MP9 in the back of the March issue of "GUNS" magazine. Was it on the back, or somewhere IN the back? I quickly looked at a copy in the grocery store this morning, but saw nothing of the MP9 (on the back cover)? Do you remember if they mentioned the EMPTY WEIGHT? Just curious.:rolleyes:


New member
Erik, I would appreciate it if you would not start talking MK40 owners who would considering unloading their MKs for MPs out of this decision :D

I'm kinda hoping for a glut of used MK40s to drive the prices down so I can pick me up one or two at a good price.


New member
MP-9 pic

The pic is small, its on the "whats new" page towards the back, with a few sentences about it.
For some reason I think it said the weight was under 15oz, but I could be wrong on that, one of my 4yrs olds (twins) was with me and he was making a B-lone for the porno mag section so I threw it down with out compleatly reading it.:eek:


New member

It was on one of the pages near the end of the magazine, in the upper middle of the left hand page. It was in a "New Gear" kind of section. There was a small picture of it and a short blurb taling about it. I don't remember if it told how much it weighed or not. I wasn't impressed enough with the coverage of it to pick up a copy. I am just happy to know that the MP9 is a reality. I can't wait to see a review of one.


New member
How 'bout a single-stach Glock 9 or 40?

I'm also all lathered up over Kahr's new MP9 but I'm going to be patient and see what sort of bugs show up in the initial shipments. In the mean time, I'll just use either my P32 or my Taurus M85.

Are any of you wishing that Glock would make a single-stack G26 or G27? Would that be awsome or what? They do make a single-stack .45 (I believe it's the G36) that is their thinnest Glock and weighs about 22 oz.

I'm worse than a kid waiting for Christmas!