Is the HK P11 for real?

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I have no idea. I have heard that the USSR had an underwater pistol. It seems that the SEAL teams would want such a capability but it seems that they would wish to have an even greater capability than such a platform could have.

Henry Baker

New member
I wish I remembered more, but for what it's worth I read an article in a magazine years ago about a break action, 4 barreled, under water pistol. It used what looked like a 30cal bullet, but the bullet was like 1.5-2 inches long. The casing was like a 38spl, but the bullet was all lead and came to a point. I know that's not mutch help, but...well...sorry. :rolleyes:


New member
Jericho9mm: Yes, it's real. I have handled (but not fired) it at the former NATO ILRRP School in Pfullendorf, Germany. I know of one or two German units which issue it.

Blackwater OPS

New member
I knew a SEAL who had been issued some kind of underwater pistol, said it worked great, only problem, it had to be reloadedat the factory!

Marko Kloos

New member
We had about thirty or so in our armory. Looks like a fat plastic G3 grip without the barrel bundle, and like a pepperbox on steroids with the bundle.

Very quiet operation, not very accurate, and after the barrel pack is shot, you have to send it back to H&K for service and reloading. Oh, and it's a five-shot, not four.

All in all, a weapon with a very limited mission profile. I would have preferred if they had kitted us out with MP5SDs instead of spending that money on just enough P11s for one guy per LRRP team.