Is the CZ Rami considered reliable?


New member
I struck up a conversation today with a guy shooting one of these at the range today. After some talking he let me shoot his Rami while he shot my P99. Overall I liked the Rami quite a bit, decent (but not great) trigger and very nice ergonomics with a quality feel. Recoil was actually quite soft for a subcompact and I was quite impressed with the 14 round capacity. The one glaring problem is that it jammed on me a lot.

It seemed to me that the jamming was probably mag related as they didn't seem to snap in tightly and if I pressed up on the base while firing it didn't jam. What I want to know is are these guns ofter finicky or did I just shoot a lemon? I'd like one of these as a carry piece, but not if I can't trust it.

*edit* I shot the Rami P which is the polymer version.


New member
I have a 2075 RAMI in .40 S&W, and have not run into any problems. I keep it clean and oiled, and it runs fine. I think many problems are due to letting them get too dirty or lack of adequate lubrication.

The RAMI is one of my most accurate pistols, and handles very well, for such a small package. I have had no problems with either mag that came with the gun.


New member
My wife has a 2075 RAMI, with standard and 14 round extended magazine, and it works fine. The only thing it ever choked on was my handloads, back before I really understood what OAL meant. Accurate, reliable sidearm. Hers is the original RAMI, alloy frame, and was the first RAMI in AZ.
Sounds mag related - get a new mag. I reccomend getting at least two of each when you buy it.


New member
I have had my Rami in 9mm now for a little over a year and have put about
3000 rds through it .
When I first got it I had problems with a couple of brands of ammo but when
I found out what it liked I have had no problems since.
The Rami is my every day carry and am very happy with it.


New member
Another happy CZ Rami owner here. I've got almost 1200 rds through mine and it only jammed on me three times when I was using reloads. After I switched to WWB and Remingtons, it has never had a hiccup. I shot 400 rds through it over the course of a month without cleaning it and it kept gobbling up bullets like candy. I've got a 9mm with the alloy frame.


New member
My 9mm RAMI has been reliable with everything except the hot Winchester RA9TA 127-gr +P+ load (slide velocity issues - sometimes the slide doesn't want to close on its own). (Pity, too, b/c the round is quite accurate from the gun.)

I love my RAMI.

10 rounds, off-hand, 10 yards, DA/SA - yep, there are fewer than 10 holes!


New member
not 1 jam,but only 50 rounds

I had the 2075 rami p,it shot fine but I found the recoil to be too much.
Maybe the gun was just too light for me.
Plus my pinky had no home.
Got rid of it after forcing myself thru 1 box of winchester white box.
I bought a pa-63,which is older but just more comfortable for me to shoot.


New member
Sounds like everyone here has the metal framed version, I shot the polymer framed version. Does anyone know how the weight compares for the two? Also how is the trigger on the metal version. The SA trigger on the one I shot was rather creepy which surprise me because the CZ 75's I've held had very nice triggers.


New member
Remember the 2075 RAMI is NOT a CZ75. HUH!?!?!? is a shortend/lightned version of the CZ40B, which is the stepchild of the illfated Colt Z-40.


New member
Gee, having had a 75 and RAMI both completely apart, they sure seem the same in design. :rolleyes: And they take 75 mags. And their name references the 75.

Sorry, amigo, I'm going to believe my eyes, not some lone voice in the internet wilderness. ;)

EDITED (3 Oct 07): I was completely wrong when I wrote this - Armoredman is 100% correct. My apologies.
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New member
Go ahead, but compare the two, RAMI and CZ 40B, and you'll see what I mean, Yes, the internals are similar to a CZ75, as the Colt Z-40 was a collaboration between CZ and Colt, and CZ designed the internals for that one, too. Then Colt backed out, and the leftovers were assembled into the 40B, which became mildly popular. CZ-UB went to work designing a subcompact for the American market, and the RAMI was born from the ashes. Yes, it take CZ 75 mags, my wife has a few spare Compact 14 round mags in her BOB for her RAMI, easier to find than the extended RAMI mags.
Don't think I am "dissing" the gun in any way, it is a great little shooter, and my wife is quite happy with it. Hers was the first RAMI in AZ, sent straight from CZ-USA to her as the Moderator of the Ladies Forum at
But that's OK, I don't know anything about anything.:cool:


I am going to go against the grain here and say sometimes. The Rami is hit or miss. Lots of people love them and have no problems. Others are jamotics.

I looked long and hard at them but could not see getting a strictly CCW gun that might not be reliable.


New member
But that's OK, I don't know anything about anything.

Maybe I don't, either! :) I'm just going by what I saw when I had them torn down. And by the fact that the RAMI fits a CZ-75 holster.

I'm certainly no expert on the gun, though, and I apologize if I came off sounding like a jerk. Early a.m. for me when I wrote that; my civilized programming doesn't come online until later.


New member
I have a PT-145 and G17, I always been interested in CZ's. The RAMI looks interesting, one thing I'm concerned about is how well the finish will hold up.


New member
Armoredman is right; I was wrong.

I've compared the parts charts for the CZ-75 and the CZ-40 with my CZ-2075 RAMI: there is no doubt that the RAMI is the offspring of the CZ-40.

Here are the manuals with parts charts if you want to play along:

The most obvious identification point is the barrel hood. The RAMI and CZ-40 use the less-expensive-to-manufacture "Glock" style square hood, and the CZ-75 uses the more traditional rounded hood profile.

And just a glimpse at the exteriors shows the obvious CZ-40 parentage.

Armoredman is right and I was wrong. I thank him for bringing that fact to our attention - I never would have snapped to this had he not posted. :)


New member
the jam issue with the 2075 was with the 40S&W.they have had some hit or miss issues just like the 75b compact in 40S&W.the 9mm runs great.