Is the AR definitely the DC killer's weapon?


Seems to be the consensus.

Given the gun-banners' pandering for "ballistic fingerprinting", has anyone mentioned that changing the AR's "signature" is as simple as swapping uppers?


New member
So far, there is absolutely no evidence that it is an AR type rifle. Nearly every type of rifle is available in .223.

Though I'm not doing so, a case could be made that it is a bolt action. A bolt action is the one most likely to have a scope and the one a beginner would not feel comfortable reloading and firing a 2nd shot. I'm not actually saying so, but it's one argument.

I would guess (guess) that the FBI knows the approx weapon type due to extractor markings and such on the casing. Of course, if he is smart, he picked up that casing at a firing range and tossed it out there... If he thinks he is funny enough to leave the Tarot card, why not a false casing.

If that's the case, he could be firing anything from a .222 to a .22-250, from nearly any rifle type ever made.


So far, there is absolutely no evidence that it is an AR type rifle.
Agreed...but isn't it curious that the media have settled on the AR as the killer's weapon?

Has something been leaked? Is there forensic evidence [striations on a recovered slug that point to twist, etc.] that leads to a conclusion? Was there really recovered brass?

Don't know how "intelligent" the murderer is, but what is the likelihood that he'll be caught with an upper that could/would be "tied" to his crimes?

The hints from true experts seem to be quite consistent, yet they are, by and large, dismissed by the talking heads.

Ignorance is an exceptionally dangerous thing...


New member
Yep, there was a casing found last week. I think it was in the woods with the Tarot card.

Nope, nothing leaked. The Anti-gun people and the Media who want to hype the story all jumped that way within 48hrs when there was absolutely no evidence yet collected.


New member
Appearantly no evidence that it was an AR type.
The .223 case may have been a plant...
Or dropped by somebody else not connected...
Or intentionally dropped as a red sardine.



New member
Local news is reporting that on Monday night, an eye witness saw the shoot from a mere 50 feet away. According to the witnesses, the shooter was Middle Eastern or Hispanic, and was using an AK, possibly a model 74. It was reported earlier that the casing was steel.

So, let's see what we have here.

Possible Middle Eastern, using a Russian AK, with Russian steel cased ammo.

Yeap, sounds like a white militia type gun nut with an easy to obtain, ultra high powered AR. :rolleyes:

Ironic thing is that the news program reports an AK, and a few minutes later runs a piece demonizing ARs. Best not confuse them with the facts, especially when the facts don't fit their political agenda.


New member
AK, AR, or bolt-gun. Either way we're screwed.
It could be even worse if it's an AK because every anti-rights organization/politician is always ranting about evil AK47's and Uzis.

There's already a memetic device established in society that AK47's and Uzis are the chosen weapon of criminals and terrorists.
If the guy is indeed using an AK clone of some sort, then it only makes the anti's job that much easier.

R Varn

New member
:rolleyes: No way it could have been an AK47 or an AR15. Those weapons were banned by the "assault" weapons ban.:rolleyes:

Oh I forgot, the "assault" weapons ban only outlawed folding/telescoping stocks and bayonets.



New member
I just hope it's not my Mini 14... My .223 has flown under the public radar screen for many moons. Since no Evil Black Rifle can be sold here, it's the only semi-auto .223 left in Kal. We don't need any bad press.



New member
MSNBC is now reporting that one of the witnesses to the last sniper attack claimed the rifle looked just like an AK-47 and could be an AK-74 which is chambered for the 5.45 x 39 cartridge I believe which could prooduce similar ballastics to a .223 round.

another okie

New member
The AK-74 is available in .223, though I've never seen one. I have seen ads for them in Shotgun News - they're usually about $10 more than the 5.45 or the 7.62.

I would be very suspicious of a single case left at one of the shootings. It would be very easy to pick one up somewhere and drop it as a cover.

I agree the FBI must have some sort of match to the AR, because if the guy is only going to take one shot it makes a lot more since for him to use a single-shot rifle or a bolt action that wouldn't eject the case on the ground. Of course, if he's shooting from inside a van it would not matter as much.


New member
could be an AK-74 which is chambered for the 5.45 x 39 cartridge I believe which could prooduce similar ballastics to a .223 round.

Romanian SAR-3 which is an AK clone and fires .223 ammo. Betcha! And the Wolf .223 from Russia is steel case ammo.
Face it, it's gonna hurt us even if he's using a Handi-rifle. Assault rifle or "deadly single shot sniper rifle" they are gonna be coming after us and our guns.


New member
Remember that this is the same media that has images of handguns on the screen behind the anchors while they describe a stabbing.