Is the AR a reliable rifle

Is the AR a Reliable Rifle

  • Yes

    Votes: 101 79.5%
  • No

    Votes: 26 20.5%

  • Total voters

Steve Smith

New member
Being essentially anit-AR when I got into HP, I was quite hesitant to take the plunge. I have been pleasantly surprised with the performance of my AR. Granted, I clean it religiously and the most rounds it fires between cleaning is about 88 rounds. Mine is a purpose built machine, though.

Commander Fan

New member
Again, when I try to vote on one of these polls I'm told, "your session appears to be invalid". So count me as, YES, Very Reliable.

I would have stopped buying them after the first one if they wern't.

I'm up to 5, with parts for at least one more build. I went into basic training with a really poor attitude towards the M16, before my enlistment ended had my own personal AR stored in my permanent unit's arms room.

Snowball effect.


New member
Which AR? One built from parts by an amatuer? A trashed military model that has been abused by idiots in uniform?

Actually, a more important question to ask along with your question is the experience level of the repondents. Did their buddy have one, and it was a piece of junk? Or have they put many thousands of rounds through one under adverse conditions?


(I'm in the latter group, and I answered yes.)

Jamie Young

New member
Which AR? One built from parts by an amatuer? A trashed military model that has been abused by idiots in uniform?

I'm talking about Bushmasters and Colts. I don't want to hear about Hi Faluting $1800 custom jobs that work flawlessly or $600 parts kits that were junk.
I have a DPMS DCM, not a single problem in the first 1500 rounds. I also am pretty good about cleaning, but it works like a champ. Paid $800 NIB.

Cleaning the AR is not difficult, just deliberate. Simply a one beer event in front of the TV, and it will look/shoot like new!!!!

Great rifle for the $$$ :D


New member
Colt Lightweight Sporter

I've had this gun for about 2.5 years and have put about 5000 rounds through it. The only thing that has ever failed me was ammo...never the gun.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've had four Colts and a Bushie; since everything worked, I gotta say yes...I built up some sort of AR thing from miscellaneous part, maybe 15 years back. It never malfunctioned, but I never really felt comfortable with it.

SodaPop, I don't remember when the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) program began, but it was based on the idea that the U.S. is supposed to be a nation of riflemen.

They sold all manner of U.S. Military small arms at very reasonable prices. The advent of the emotions which gave us the Gun Control Act of 1968 was sorta the beginning of the end of the program as it then existed. (What? You mean civilians can have those evil military guns? Horrible!)

Ted Kennedy, et al, tried to get it all shut down and all non-current small arms destroyed. It's a wonder that any Garands survived...


Jamie Young

New member
SodaPop, I don't remember when the Director of Civilian Marksmanship (DCM) program began, but it was based on the idea that the U.S. is supposed to be a nation of riflemen.

I always thought I was the last of something:confused:

I'm too poor to be a Gun Collector and I pretty much stick with Standard Military Weapons. If I had the Money I'd have an AR, M1A , M1 Carbine and a Garand in My Gun Safe by now. Compared to what I all ready own I don't feel Like I'm gaining any Major advantage in a "New Gun". Just want something I can shoot with Iron Sights and possible get into Hi-Power Matches.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Well, SodaPop, it doesn't seem all that long ago that I'd tie Bambi on the top of my old VW bus and head for home...And folks would come to me on the CB and want to know how heavy was he, and where had I been hunting, and what kind of rifle did I use...Now, folks say to cover Bambi so his poor, dead carcass won't offend anybody. Needless to say, I don't.

Or somebody comes on with "Oh, I don't like guns. I don't allow them around me." My only response is, "Well, that's all well and good, but I wouldn't think you'd be comfortable admitting that around a grownup."

I have a bench rest on my front porch. I have a state-approved pistol range for concealed-carry training, just down the mountain.

Drives a gun-hating neighbor absolutely nuts. I luvvit. Pushes me to practice more than I otherwise might.

:D, Art


New member
I voted "YES". Under the right conditions they can be very reliable rifles. Under certain adverse conditions they aren't very reliable at all. I learned that first hand in Saudi/Iraq.

For standard CQB- as in SWAT OPS and home defense they are excellent weapons. Under these conditons they can be kept reasonably clean. For extended stays in a desert type environment it's a different story.

As for DCM/CMP I can't wait till I save enough money to purchase one of the CMP M1 Gerands!

Good SHooting

Jamie Young

New member
As for DCM/CMP I can't wait till I save enough money to purchase one of the CMP M1 Gerands!

I've been looking at them too. I'd like to get the whole Garand family someday.

For extended stays in a desert type environment it's a different story.

I have yet to hear of a gun that holds up in that environment other than the AK.

75% say it is Reliable.

Badger Arms

New member
Mini-14 vs. AR-15. I've never had an FTF in any of the 4 mini's I've owned and shot over the years. Of the four AR-15's I've owned, three were absolutely reliable and one had two seperate types of failures. The first was the factory-staked carrier key coming loose. This turned the gun into a single-shot for about two magazines till I figured what the problem was. Second was due to reloads that were oversized. Funny, the Mini-14 eats them like there is no tomorrow. In all honesty, I reloaded them FOR the Mini-14 and couldn't exactly expect they would be reliable in the presumably tighter chamber of my baby... I mean my AR.

This is just me. I go through maybe 300 rounds at the most in a shooting session then I clean the gun. I have cleaned mini's that had NEVER been cleaned and NEVER had an FTF. A work buddy of mine brought his gun to me to clean it because he "Didn't know how to field-strip it. I knew he'd bought it new and I asked how many times he shot it. He said he had about 15 cases of ammo through it!!!! He'd put 15,000 rounds through a gun that he'd never cleaned and, according to him, it's never jammed! How many AR-15 rifles would survive this?

My point is that the average gun owner is better at taking care of his gun than your average GI. The AR-15's a great gun for those of us who clean it but should not be relied upon in battle. It's a matter of how the thing operates. Sheez.

BTW, I still have 2 Mini's and 2 AR-15's. Bought an AR-10 also. If it came down to it, I'd grab the AR-15 for my wife and the FAL for me. Personal preference.