Is the down?

Jim V

New member
I've been trying to reach Jason, but have not been able to do so. I've got email out to other moderators and Admins hoping that someone has news.

The forum may have out grown the current "home" as we have done twice in the past.


New member
Finally got some sort of explanation from Gunsamerica. Here's the message I just got when trying to access their site:

"Everyone we are sorry for the downtime, but we have been having problems with our old hosting.
We are now on a new server, and should be running again today.

-Mgmt "


New member
But they're not running yet. Or at least I can't get to them . . . or either. Any others able to access either website? :confused:


New member
This from Gunsamerica:

We're Sorry... GunsAmerica is Experiencing Technical Difficulties and we have been offline for several days. Please Return at a Later Time, Hopefully it will be Corrected by Sunday. You can view the guns that are in the database and contact sellers, but new guns entered aren't going in yet, and the photos are all lost for all the guns. As many of you know, we have had server problems for some time, and it turns out that we were sabotaged by our ISP who we beleive has an anti-gun agenda. We have a new ISP, and all the problems should be going away IY"H. Thanks for bearing with us, and stay tuned for exciting new stuff coming to GunsAmerica soon. -mgt.


New member
Guns America is up and running again. They say that the ISP Server Sabotaged them. I not sure but I think that the 1911 Forum used the same server. Soooo maybe they got Sabotaged too. If it's true then it's too bad that folks can't live and let live. But hey, that's life in the real world! Whatcha gonna do?

:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Jim V

New member
I have no reason for the 1911 Forum being down

but this has been posted on the "welcome page" by the forum owner.

The website will be moving to a new, dedicated server this week. We have maxed out our available resources at our current host. The following is a tentative schedule for the coming week:

Forums will remain open until Friday, December 7. On Friday, I will close the forums so I can transfer our current member database and posts to the new server. I hope to have the forums back online sometime early next week. Please take this week to wrap-up discussions, finish business, etc.

The site main page will remain online throughout the week and the entire moving process. Please check here for updates and information on the new server and forums.

Thanks for your patience,

- Jason