Is that a gun in your pocket or........

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Taken (verbatim) from an article in 'The 10-Ring' in the September/October American Handgunner magazine:

Better avoid carrying your piece....your shooter, we mean....well, uh, your firearm, okay? one of those down-the-drawers holsters if you're traveling through Mississippi. Legislators in Ole Miss are considering legislation that will make it illegal for men to appear "sexually aroused in public."
No joke, guys. The preposed legal definition is "The showing of covered male genitalia in a decernable turgid state." Mississippi cops are saying they'll just have to go by the general definition of "an unusual bulge in the pants." Then it'll be up to you to prove that a)your're not really "turgid." just gifted: and b) that you weren't thinking happy thoughts.
If convicted, your're looking at up to a year in prison, which in Mississippi is like 10 years in the joint anywhere else but Arkansas, and a $2,000 fine.
So your're thinking. "Hey! I'll just show 'em this bulge is really my Beretta!" Think again. How reasonable do you think a cop might be who comes knocking at your zipper without a warrant?
Now for the really sick stuff: legislators say they need this law to control "men's reactions at strip clubs." They think it's just awful that guys have sexual reactions to seeing naked women. If they succeed in training men not to get aroused while looking at disrobed darlings, they might as well re-name the place West Hollywood East.

This could be subtitled either; "More strict gun control......"
"The further neuturing of America". :rolleyes:


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!

Apple a Day

New member
A very simple solution:
Carry a picture of Janet Reno in your pocket. If you are approached by an officer then simply glance at the photo and, well, your spaghetti is finished cooking. If that doesn't work for some reason at least you can wave the picture at the LEO to blind him/her while you escape. Failing that you can tell the cop you were just thinking about your honey (show picture)- you will end up in a mental institution but at least it isn't jail.

Those who use arms well cultivate the Way and keep the rules.Thus they can govern in such a way as to prevail over the corrupt- Sun Tzu, The Art of War


New member
HAHAHHAHAAH APPLE!!!!!!!! I think you should be commmited to mental hospital just for carrying that said picture! I have to change the channel if she comes on, and QUICK!

Dead [Black Ops]

David Scott

New member
*** business does the government have in anyone's pants? We got thugs, muggers, drive-bys, scam artists, carjackers, housebreakers, rapists, and punks beating up seniors for their Social Security checks, and the State of Mississippi is worried because a grown legally adult male might pay good money to enter a business that features topless women and (oh, dear!) actually get an ERECTION? This is a major law enforcement crisis? I DON'T THINK SO!

When will the government learn that it has no business wasting my tax dollars interfering in the sex lives of consenting adults?

<rolls up copy of the Constitution>


Bad government! Now go lie down!


New member
Oh Lord. Now what am I going to do??

God, Guns and Guts made this country a great country!

oberkommando sez:
"We lost the first and third and now they are after the Second!(no pun intended)"


New member
Used to be that "Mopery" would get you ten buck fine, or a day in the slam. "Mopery with intent to Gawk" would get you twenty five bucks, or three days.

Following that line, seems that "Mopery with intent to Gawk while "The showing of covered male genitalia in a decernable turgid state." would likely be considered a felony.

Sho pleasured that ah don live down theah no mo.

"Standin on the corner watchin all the girls go by" could get expensive.

Sam......follow me, we'll get somewhere.

Long Path

New member
I have been to numerous county fairs, a goat ropin', and I've seen ducks in intimate congress. But I have NEVER seen such an oddity as this come from a legislature.

Moving this to Legal and Political, where all you pre-verts belong. :) ;)

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