Is Scott Walker a Win for Wisconsin Gun Owners in the recall election?

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So as many of you may have heard, Scott Walker recently won the recall election here in Wisconsin. Many Sportsman are for him. He also brought Concealed Carry to the state which is great. How big of a deal is this in your opinion as far as firearms to Wisconsin and possibly the Nation as it was a historic event. Maybe Illinois can follow suit.

I am very sorry if this is unappropriate, I checked the rules and believe this is still within means as far as being gun related.


New member
I didn't find anything historic about it or even relevant. The other side over estimated their chances at a recall and the vote went down pretty much the same as the first one, except they managed to annoy a few more people who gave the incumbent a few extra votes.

The only reason this got as much press coverage as it did was it's a slow news year, and the absurdity of it all. I mean, it's not like Walker didn't spell out what his plans were when he was running in the first place. I'm not sure why everyone was so surprised he actually did it. (I guess a politician who does what he says during his campaign is kind of rare these days)

Wisconsin was a relatively gun friendly state to begin with, this isn't going to have any effect on the states that aren't. This fight was never about gun rights, it was about unions. Will this effect how some states deal with unions, probably. But since it was never about gun rights, it's a non issue.
Keeping it on topic, I don't think a Walker defeat would have resulted in any effort to repeal CCW laws in Wisconsin. The new law is just too popular statewide. It probably would have resulted in under-the-table efforts to make sure that places like Milwaukee and Madison could continue to harass open-carriers under "disorderly conduct" statutes.:mad:

Now none of those things will happen, and the state administration may be emboldened to support, or at least stay out of, efforts to bring the liberal enclaves to task for their infringement of 2nd Amendment rights. Also, it gives a clear message that the majority of citizens/taxpayers are fed up with bloated government and government employee unions. :cool:


New member
A win for gun owners? Scott Walker got Wisconsin CCW and Castle Doctrine. You can already have suppressors and machine guns. What are you looking for from him now?


New member
This recall was about policy and not corruption, so it never should have occurred. :confused:

As for the OP it does seem that a leader who supports less government intrusion and more personal freedom would be better for gun owners. I suspect Walker falls into that category, but I think too many folks are making too much out of the entire thing. ;)


New member
I don't think it was a win for just the gun owners I think it was a win for everyone in the state. Spending under Jim Doyle was reckless and was an attempt to buy votes using tax payers money. I have often heard about separation of church and state but never unions and state.

44 AMP

Tightrope walking...

As phrased, the OP is within L&CR limits.

However, a reminder is in order. ANY mention of politics (by anyone) will result in the thread being closed. ANY disparaging comments, by anyone, about political figures, parties, etc., will have the same effect, and may result in worse for the poster. The rules for L&CR are MUCH STRICTER than the other forums.

Tread lightly, and keep it civil, please.

As to the question, since he won, I would expect that what the Governor was doing, he will continue to do.

This was a historical event, but only in the statistical sense, long term. First recall where the incumbent gov was retained. Other than that, it will likely have no national significance in the long run. Other events will quickly overshadow it. Claiming it as a bellweather, and holding it up to show we are going this way, or that way now, is politics, and we're not doing that here.

That being the case, I don't see what there is to discuss, without it going downhill really quickly.
Don't see much hope for this thread to stay within the boundaries, but it has been ok so far, so will leave it open, for now.


Here is official statement from NRA:

"Politics" are obvious, as always, but won't go there.

Statement from Chris W. Cox on Scott Walker's Victory in Wisconsin Gubernatorial Recall Election

Posted on June 5, 2012

Link to full "Statement"

"Thanks to your votes and efforts, Scott Walker has won the recall election for Governor in Wisconsin defeating rabidly anti-gun Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett."

"Tom Barrett has a career-long “F” rating from NRA-PVF and has supported bans on commonly owned firearms, supported exposing hunters to prosecution, and has consistently opposed common sense self-defense legislation."

"Your NRA was fully vested in this race with a comprehensive campaign that included tens of millions of online ads and hundreds of thousands of television, radio and print ads before today’s recall election"

"Thanks to gun owners in Wisconsin, one of the strongest pro-gun Governors in the country will continue working to support our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms."
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New member

Is Scott Walker a Win for Wisconsin Gun Owners in the recall election?
So as many of you may have heard, Scott Walker recently won the recall election here in Wisconsin.
How big of a deal is this in your opinion as far as firearms to Wisconsin and possibly the Nation as it was a historic event.
44 AMP
As phrased, the OP is within L&CR limits.

However, a reminder is in order. ANY mention of politics (by anyone) will result in the thread being closed.
I can't say more than money; without violating AMP's reminder.
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