Is S.W.A.T. Magazine...


New member
Is S.W.A.T. Magazine geared toward LEO community or is it good for anyone?

I am often accused by those who I deal with professionally and LEOs who don't know me of being LEO wannabe (I am a P.I./process server). Nothing could be further from the truth, I considered LE when I was in my 20's and decided against it.

I would like to support this site as I enjoy it more than any other forum I belong to. If there was a way to donate (like THR) I would. Maybe I should subscribe for my local PD? I have tried unsuccessfully to find an issue on a news stand.

Thanks for your input.
Whether it's geared to LE's is a subject I'll let readers respond to.

As to donations for TFL, we don't seek or accept them, but we do appreciate the offer.


New member
Its chock full of goodness for the civilian as well as the LEO. some good preparedness articles from things for everyday on the streets to dirty bomb attacks, bird flu, fireams training and handling....
The article by Jeff Randall on the Border Wars was an eye opener for me. Id say if you are a concerned citizen and firearms owner....subscribe. Then pass the magazine around to the folks who call you a wannabe...but you might not get it back. :D
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New member
I just tried to order 2 years for my SO. I was going to pay via PayPal, it would not go to the checkout page. Any suggestions?


Barry in IN

New member
Is it for LEOs, and not "the rest of us"?
NO. I didn't even pick up a copy of the magazine to look at it for a long because I thought that.
I was stupid.
I missed out on a lot of good info because of that (I bought a lot of back issues to make up for it).

The staff is first-rate. It's like a "who's-who" of training, security, and LEO. I've gained a lot just from the articles about training. I like to hear from trainers- those that see countless guns, gear, ammo, and techniques who tell us those that work or fail.
The hardware tests are just icing for the SWAT cake. The columns are excellent, due both to the writers and the subjects they cover. The first thing I read every month is the "Training and Tactics" column by Louis Awerbuck.

I wouldn't pick it up for a while, but now SWAT is one of the very few "gun magazines" that I take. The others are ones that come with a membership like the NRA's American Rifleman, or pretty specialized magazines like Precision Shooting. I could live without them. I never really looked forward to the next issue of any magazine, but I do now. When SWAT went to 12 months, it was like Christmas.

So, yeah, it's OK.


New member
of all the tripe that is on newsstands, the only magazines i am interested in reading are SWAT, SOF, and American Handgunner.

i just got through sorting out 5 years worth of everything else thats been polluting my bookshelves. four boxes of garbage is what i've come up with so far. granted, half of that is maxim and stuff or fhm, but i was surprised at all the other ones i'd picked up over the years like 'concealed handgun', 'guns', 'tactical knives', to name but a few.

only a small segment of what SWAT offers is applicable solely to military or law enforcement. i'd estimate that 95% of all products they review are available to the average joe. the political articles are for everyone, and there is always something topical, whether its security on the border, the aftermath of natural disasters, etc.


New member
yup.. I just got through tossing out some old gun magazines....all of the SWAT got filed in the throne room reading repository :D