Is Ruger Narrowing The Price Gap?


New member
Hi guys, today I ordered a GP-100 SS. Before tax, it was $450. I also noticed that on their site they are listed at $615. I was thinking a year or so ago they were listed in the $500 range. I am not really complaining, as they do make a fine product. They are still cheaper than a Smith, but not by just a whole lot anymore. In the past few months I have also ordered a S&W 619 ($470) a 620 ($500) and a 686 six shot ($530). All of these were 4 inch SS guns. So the price difference runs from $20 to $80. Not really that big of a difference when you get up to about a half grand. Again, I am not complaining at them, just making an observation and it obviously did not deter me from ordering the gun.


New member
I got the same exact gun, at the same exact price a couple months ago.

As far as the gap shrinking, I don't wheel and deal enough to notice it. It could possibly be that Smith is lowering their prices a bit to compensate for lost sales w/ the internal locks? Not sure, just a shot in the dark.


New member
One dealer told me most of the hangun manufacturers were raising prices this year. Some have already done it (Ruger) others will be soon. The MSRP listed on rugers site doesn't mean much anyway cause none of the dealers I know are anywhere near that price.


New member
MSRP is a marketing ploy. When your gunshop sells the gun at it's actual price, you're supposed to think you're getting a great deal.

Our local gun dealer goes so far as to put a tag on with the MSRP, then puts a blaze orange "SALE" sticker on that with his actual price (which is usually $25-$50 more than I can buy the same gun for in Grand Forks).

The only trouble is that this "sale" has been going on for the 22 years I've lived here...:rolleyes: