Is Palm County Ballot Just a Distraction?


Every news channel and all of the talk regarding the election is now becoming focused on the supposed confusion over the Palm County Ballot.
I realize that this is perhaps the dems last hope of getting Gore in but......
Is it also being used a distraction to take attention away from the ballot fraud comitted by them? If there was confusion over the Palm County ballot is was simply that. Confusion. It was a ballot approved by a dem and sample ballots had been sent out prior to the election.
However, the ballot fraud committed by the dems was nothing more than blatant fraud! So the question is, do they know they will lose but are trying to save their own credibilty. We as a nation will be so focused on this that the media will not mention.....

1)Illegal, unregistered aliens voting in CA.
2)Cigarettes and rides passed out to the homeless in exchange for their vote in Milwakee.
3)Ballot boxes appearing in FL that had been lost. (There was one turned in by an elderly election worker that did contain ballots.)
4)St. Louis County debacle that lead to two dems being elected after the polls closed.
(Edited because I forgot to include....)
5)Bush had won Pennsylvania until Philadelphia came in with just enough questionable votes to push Gore over the top.
6)Military personel not getting their ballots in time to vote.

Are they just making noise so no one will notice their illegal acts so they can do it all over again in the next election?


Missouri; Home to ballot fraud and dead senators. We're so proud.

[This message has been edited by Gunslinger (edited November 09, 2000).]


New member
I have no doubt whatsoever that any attention the Democrats focus on an area is to divert attention away from a real issue elsewhere. It is afterall a hallmark(hmm, fitting term methinks) of the Clinton administration. I shudder to think what is happening in D.C. at this moment. When last I checked, Clinton was meeting with Arafat. No cigar this time I would wager. ;) With the nation divided and diverted by the election, you can be sure Clinton is going to, as he put it "quack" loud and long.

Ed Brunner

New member
AND Gore's Campaign Manager just happens to be one of the Chicago Dailey's, the acknowledged masters of the fixed vote and the source of the famous saying "Vote early and vote often". Coincidence? Sure ;)

You have to be there when it's all over. Otherwise you can't say "I told you so."

Better days to be,



New member
Distraction, diversion, whatever it is, we should watch our flanks. I heard some new UN economic agreement is about to go down, but none of the media are covering it? Anyone else heard anything?
