Is our society violent enough?

Jack 99

New member
Just checking out this great show on TLC about the martial arts. Very good stuff. I'm still in awe of Bruce Lee's speed. Perhaps the only comparison is the hummingbird's wings. Totally amazing.

Also took me back to my youth, when we thought nothing of a free-for-all neighborhood wrestling match on the front lawn, overseen by watchful parents, involving every (male) kid on the block. Sanctioned violence if you will. This activity often accompanied neighborhood barbecues. My dad was even known to throw a pair of overstuffed boxing gloves on some of the younger kids and let them go at it. With the heavy, monster-size gloves on a pair of 10 yr olds, nobody really had a chance to hurt the other one. I remember a couple of bloody noses but that was it.

The sucker moms of today would probably do the patented "Rosie recoil-cringe" at such a sight but it wasn't a big deal and considered (gulp) normal behavior for boys between, say, 8 and 14 or 15.

Today, I can't think of any of those kids who turned out violent or warped or even aggressive. We established something of a pecking order, but that existed anyway regardless of the fights. It was all considered normal, healthy and perhaps even necessary.

I guess my question is, are "we" screwing up by trying to remove all vestiges of aggression and violence from society? I know the Liberals would love to promote "cooperative games" and even ban musical chairs for the aggressive behavior it instills in kids.

And of course, someone has to lose and that's never fun, maybe even a little humiliating. But doesn't humiliation lead to humility? The biggest pricks, the worst human beings I know, are those guys who were always bigger than everyone, who never got thier nose shoved in it. Getting whooped a little probably made me a better person and there's a certain life lesson in learning you aren't top dog.

Maybe if we had some more sanctioned violence, maybe if some of these pasty-faced suburban kids sitting around playing fantasy-violence games like DOOM would get out on their front lawn and go toe to toe, maybe if they learned some humility and also knew what it was like to dominate an opponent, and maybe if some of these inner-city kids who seem perfectly willing to settle disputes with a hail of bullets in a drive by could just let go of some aggression (best way I ever found to do it was in a good brawl), maybe we'd be a BETTER SOCIETY, not worse for it.

Instead we tell young males to suppress all of those tendencies, even though we know every hormone in their system is compelling them to challenge each other, to assert dominance and establish an order based on fighting ability. It seems when we do this, we're asking the impossible. We're also channeling that aggression toward non-sanctioned violence.

Do you remember that taste in your mouth? When you got going really good and that semi-mettalic saliva-ish taste would come up from the back of your throat somewhere. I'll bet there's kids growing up today who've never experienced that. Their parents probably consider themselves "enlightened" and actively discourage anything that even remotely resembles competetive aggression of any kind. These types of parents are busy encouraging "self-esteem" and "character development" and every other buzz-word de jour without the faintest idea that what Billy really needs is to know how he stacks up mano a mano with little Timmy across the street.

Give me the kids wrestling on the front lawn any day if it keeps the Harris and Klebolds of the world in check. Give me 10 year olds trading punches if it provides an outlet for aggression that replaces drive-by's.

Rant out.


Member In Memoriam
Actually, all that "violence" as children allows us to understand (assuming decent parents) what's acceptable & what isn't. We learn where the limits are.

I believe it neccessary as any other social integration - perhaps moreso.


New member
There re actually book sout on just this subject. Society is focusing on girls, and has a tendancy to make boys more like girls. We need to let boys be boys.



New member
Jack99 - yes.

I think, no, I know that society is ignoring natural tendencies my males. There is a huge feminization effort that has been programmed into the sheeple.

It's now taboo to compete ans especially, heaven forbid - to win.

I've actually heard of kids playing "musical chairs" with more charis then there were kids! Everybody wins - la la la la la la. What a joke.

I firmly believe that all this noncompetitive stuff actually confuses the kids because it is totally contrary to their natural tendencies.

Let them win with pride and respect. Let them lose with humility and new determination.

Let them learn!


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New member
A good old fashioned rasslin match never hurt anyone (on purpose). Only problem I have with it is the WWF and others make these kids think that they can do dangerous moves without hurting anyone. A couple of kids have died from this. That's why there needs to be training. Dad and I wrestled all the time while I was growing up. Every kid needs a dad like mine. Oh, wait, that requires effort, better to let them sit on their ever widening butts and play video games than to spend some time with them. I hate unattentive parents.

Beware the three D's: The dumb, drunk, and deranged.

Keiller TN

New member
"The War Against Boys [How Misguided Feminism is Harming our Young Men]" by Christina Hoff Sommers

Alexander Solzhenitzyn:
"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."


New member
I believe this is a method to condition children, and parents to accept defeat. That it's a natural course of life, in any, and every arena. In essence that is true.

The great confusion is upon us. In our lifetime, or at least some of us here, we've seen the extreme shift in attitudes as Jack99 described. We've seen the TV shows of the 60/70's Rat Patrol, Combat, etc. Of course, these were to condition the young men, or boys, to assume the attitudes of war, and victory. I suppose it was to get them conditioned to Vietnam. No psychological conditioning there, huh?

Meanwhile, the cartoons were basically funny, stupid, animated characters who kept finding the same spooky critters in old castles, and mansions. Or kept chasing the elusive Road Runner.

Today, we have the super powered, morphing animobotics. We have Power Puffs kicking the literal a$$es of anyone who does this or that. We have G.I Jane series of movies.

Confusion, I don't know why anyone would be confused. You watch "role model" characters on TV, day after day doing the supposed improper thing, and see that there seems to be little repercussions. So, guess what, people are going to try it.

And the media producers know exactly what their doing here. They know that ratings are what pay the bills. They know that if some entity comes to them, and suggests in a way that they can't refuse, they'd damn well better make a series about a certian thing.

Reminds me of a cyber-conversation I was having with a woman several months back. I'd nearly converted this woman to the notion that she has the right to protect herself and her babies. Then one night she just explodes on me. Seems she was watching 90210 at the same time she was "talking" to me, and there was a situation where some kid took his life with a handgun. She went ballistic, no joke. I dare say, she was so emotionally shaken, that she was in tears. What I apparently failed to get her to accept was that this was a staged situation, it was on a recording set. It WASN'T REAL!!!
The media types get the viewers so involved in the lives of these fictional characters, that the viewers actually believe that they're part of the characters life.

Look at the soaps on TV today. is this part of the reason we're so f()@ked up in this country? Come on, I don't know any group of people who're so emotionally distorted, and treacherous in my life. Save for the Oblong Orifice, of course.

I will continue to take the little one shooting, and when he's old enough, go hunting. And at the same time teach him the power that firearms represents. And the dangers.

Is our society violent enough? I guess that depends upon what degree of violence you're asking about. Harmless violence that leads to noboby getting injured, I suppose we still have that in some degree.

Football, Hockey, Soccer, Boxing.
Some full-contact sports are violent, and very much so, if the participants loose their control. How many fights are started,say in a bar, because of some "player" lost his temper, and knocked the bejeezus out of another player? And the crowd goes crazy, right? I wonder what triggers such an outpouring of emotion and energy like watching them go after each other?
How about a Basketball player who kicks a photographer in the knuts, and gets by with it? The message? It's all right to inflict physical pain, and possible permanent harm to another. As long as WE say it is.

You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy, so to speak. The hostility, and aggression we all have is suppressed. And sooner ort later, there wil be a catalyst which triggers the release of those baser instincts.
I'm reminded the murder of the Olympic champion wrestler David Schultz, by his lover, John DuPont. Hard to imagine a puny little guy like him taking out a wrestler, isn't it? Yes, he did use a gun to do this. What happened to the so passive, feminine characterized partner?

Look at some of the soccer games in Euro, where the fans become so agitated, that some are hurt, even killed.
Considering that the Euro's are touting that they're so much more civilized than we barbaric American's, they seem to be somewhat confused. And onviously unwaware of human nature boiling up around them.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms;
History shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler
"Corrupt the young, get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial, and destroy their rugged- ness.
Get control of all means of publicity, and thereby get the peoples' mind off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books and plays, and other trivialities.
Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance."

Vladimir Ilich Lenin, former leader of USSR
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.

John F. Kennedy

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited July 08, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited July 08, 2000).]