Is my .45 ACP "Carry" load safe?


New member
The load I'm referring to is on Alex Johnson's post, "How many use handloads for self defense?" or something like that. I'd like to know what you all think before I hurt myself. Thanks.

Desert Dog

New member
I would use a slower powder...

I shoot .45 Super, and I have loads that are as stiff as yours with a fast burning powder. (7.0 gr. W231)

I would go to a slower burning power if I were you, so the pressure peak is not quite so abrupt.

I recommend:

Blue Dot
Unique (dirty stuff)
Power Pistol

be careful...

Keith J

New member
Old CIP data

The older VV data was according to CIP and offered a 200 gr JHP at 1200+ ft/sec with N-350. I don't have the particulars but I would recommend a serious recoil spring and shock buffers.

Its a mighty accurate load when loaded with moderation (1100). I recommend the Hornady XTP's and using a .45 super case or equivalent.

The flash is incredible. The pressures are not.



New member


I was under the impression that Universal was in the same basic burn rate class as Unique and AA5. I chose it because it seems to give top-end performance in .40 and .45, without excessive pressures (especially in .40). But I could be wrong.

Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
I really don't think so-----


I am worried about your load shown in the other topic area.
Hottest load I find for H. Universal with a 230 gr. jacketed bullet is 6.3 gr for 841 fps. Are you saying you have a Midway Load Map with 7.2 published? Please--Verify this right away. If it is NOT published, I ask that you edit your post with suitable disclaimers and cautionary notes in BOLD font.

I sense you are a bit uneasy or you wouldn't have posted this question. Thanks for the concern.


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam

Thanks for the site URL. That's what concerned me. Actually, the Hogdon's website lists max for the 230 jacketed bullet at a little lighter than my other references--

Hogdon's says 6.0 gr is MAX with the 230.


Neither The Firing Line, the owner, the administrators, moderators nor other members accept any responsibility for use or aftereffects of any load above those published in recognized Handloading/Reloading information sources.


Look, friends, I myself use certain loads which are above published maximums. They were worked up years ago, either from old data or in the absence of published data for a given load combination. BUT YOU SELDOM SEE THOSE LOADS POSTED ON TFL. On the rare occasions I mention them--Such as one for .44 Special with 240 bullets and Unique powder a few months ago-- I always post proper cautions.

If you want to share with us some whiz-bang load, you MUST include proper cautions, to the effect that the data is beyond published data, and that it is used at one's own risk. Post this in BOLD, and I think we are on fairly firm ground.

These are the local game rules, on this H&R forum. It is the only way I feel comfortable moderating this forum. Apparently Rich Lucibella and the Administrators agree with this stance.

Please note--I am not getting onto ANYONE about this. It is some time since the subject has arisen. The only member with whom there was ever a problem in this regard has long departed. This is a general caution and you will probably see this cautionary note elsewhere later.

I feel fortunate in having the opportunity to moderate this forum. The participants are NICE people, always ready to share information and help out other shooters. H&R is not an area where people get fighting mad like in some other fora. I am honored to have the job, and I have learned a lot from the other members.

Thanks, all.

Johnny Guest
TFL H&R Forum
